a ‘grim’ snapshot…

A mannequin with a ‘face’ rare these days but boy does she look miserable! I spotted her alongside another 3 at a branch of River Island (still going – for the moment). Zooming in on her face I thought well…she sums up a gloomy outlook not only on retail but well rather a grim start to the New Year. Hmmm….& ahhhh….2022 has not gotten off to a very good start, with a depressing forecast of ever increasing costs of living and energy prices rocketing out of control, it’s obviously very bad news. The weather is freezing making the need for affordable heating ever more prescient it’s definitely not looking good on the ‘energy’ front and with her black lacy embroidered blouse she won’t be keeping warm either (except she is inside!).

love the lace but not the best in January! the boots however are ‘spot on’

So its good that I’m still focused on the budget lifestyle including and always Charity Shops! There is no stopping me on that score! Oh to have some good news (for a change) well back to the blouse, it’s black (obviously) and has that Victorian mourning ‘funereal’ aspect, yes why not wear mourning clothes considering the doom and gloom so far! Black, black & more black! Bring it on – oh what a ‘cheery’ soul am I…well..I can’t help it considering all the disturbing issues constantly appearing on my news feed, meaning I’m very selective and minimal in the amount of time I spend on it. Also I don’t watch live TV anymore which is a real relief at times. I’m just taking life day by day at present due to various stresses so we’ll see what uplifts there are to counter the darkness…corny but there can be no light without the ‘dark’….2022 here’s looking at you!

I can ‘feel’ the nervous tension…