A ‘patchy’ affair…?

I decided to treat myself to couple of fashion magazines I mean why not? I needed to know what the latest trends were…? Well it looks like yet again patchwork is making a comeback – like has it ever really gone away? Hmmm….I don’t think so…only it fades into the background for a short while…then re-emerges as though it’s something ‘new’ – when actually it isn’t…like a lot of a fashion..I guess. (Sorry do I sound rather jaded today?) . What I find rather annoying is the way some fashion magazines act as though they are the ones that have just ‘discovered’ it when obviously they haven’t! That ‘they’ are the ones who have ‘rediscovered’ this craft or tye dye or whatever again when they truly have not! No! Please! Don’t try to pull the wool or the patches for that matter over my eyes! It just isn’t going to work…sorry I’m just not that gullible or have so short of a memory! Been around this block plus all the other ones for far too long now….!

patch it up! from the traditional bed spreads to catwalk

Well for fun I did look through my material collection to find suitable fabrics for patching and found some great 1960’s patterned fabrics pictured here for the background. I do have a lot more…so don’t ‘blame’ me if patchwork makes yet another appearance on my blog. It goes with the times for renovating and recycling in a very neat yet creative manner. So really I should embrace it’s re-appearance instead of having an ‘attiude’ about it, it’s just well…it’s not new it’s been around a while and please! I’m not daft this has been part of fashion and interiors for centuries now so please don’t sell it as a new ‘discovery’ because it certainly is not! However that shouldn’t take away from the fact I’m happy it’s back and it’s given me a good excuse to go through my fabrics for a patch up party!??

celebrities celebrating the patch effect whilst you get the ‘deets’ on my tea cosy!