A valentine offer? Think I’ve been ‘brainwashed’ again…!

Not being much in the ‘market’ for Valentine’s Day or indeed any real interest I think I must’ve been ‘brainwashed’ again! Like when I was ‘mesmerized’ by the film Bride Wars back in 2009. I only saw the poster on the side of a bus when something totally obsessed and consumed me….and ‘made’ me go. That I must go and see Bride Wars whatever happens…! But why? What was the reason? All I knew it was absolutely imperative that I must go and see it.  So not normally succumbing or even being vaguely interested in mainstream cinema I was very confused to say the least. Yet I was somehow compelled to go and go I did! To my surprise (and horror) I actually quite enjoyed it…(well it takes all sorts to make a world) even if I don’t want to admit it…Now whilst looking at something else, up comes the promo for the latest Jennifer Lopez’s new film ‘Marry me’ premiering just a few days before Valentine’s Day. Well the exact same thing happened and suddenly I was looking at show times and venues before I could say either Bride, Wars or indeed ‘Marry me’.

where it all started Bride Wars and how could I of missed the latest iphone….?

So I did make a booking…and I went on Saturday it was an absolute compulsion…so what an earth is going on here? In the past I do believe I have been ‘brainwashed by bridal’ (when officially I have no interest in bridal at all…but see link here Am I being ‘brainwashed’…by…Bridal? – Philippa Nestie) so here it is happening again (good grief)…So as stated I ‘dutifully’ purchased my ticket and went on Saturday night. Well, what was it like? Much as I expected a light-hearted romcom with cheery music and not to mention very strong product placement of the latest iPhone…(hello Apple!) although quite a few scenes were cringey like when Jennifer Lopez’s character visits the love interests (Owen Wilson’s) teaching class and gets everyone up dancing, would it really of happened like that in real life? I’m not so convinced or prove me wrong.  I guess I was just very intrigued to see Jennifer Lopez ‘playing herself’ or at least a very similar version to herself and hooking up unexpectedly with a ‘normal’ guy who works as a teacher.

these arrived in my inbox but so far no card….

Very far-fetched I know…but well I just had to know how it panned out. I wasn’t surprised or elated by the plot but it did make my return to the cinema since before the first lockdown so I was grateful for that at least. Of course no valentines card has arrived (to be expected) but quite a few valentine offers dropped into my inbox though the highlight of my week will be visiting the Royal Opera house to see Romeo and Juliet so…who says romance is ‘dead’? Or unrealistic? Not me!!! At least for now…