A visit to the Charity shop’s (part one)…
So it was off to the ‘Charity Shops’ one day last week going slightly further afield, I was searching for some Bridal items (more on that to follow) when on entering the first charity shop, I spotted ‘half a Stephanie’ perched up above some clothing racks, well I have to say I was more than amused (the ‘real’ Stephanie is my charity shop muse more here https://philippanestie.com/update-on-fashion-parade-at-the-charity-shop/). Well I suppose it’s nice to know that even half a mannequin can be useful…though I do wonder what happened to the legs..? I’m afraid we’ll never know.
So ‘half a Stephanie’ was not the only mannequin I encountered on my charity shop jaunt, oh no! There was one in the window sporting an eye-catching royal blue dress, pink party cowboy hat, blue ‘Zorro’ eye mask, ready with a shoulder bag and case to depart for the airport pronto! For that hen party weekend!
Then in the next shop a bald mannequin in monochrome (very on trend) sporting a fake fur collar (good) and a rather nice Karen Millen dress for £10, (shame there was no wig or arms for that matter…) but at least she was looking ready to ‘rock n roll’ in an ‘elegant’ way, and with the bald head very stark (I think there was a catwalk Model who caused a recent storm on the runway with a completely shaved head) but I have to say Sinead O’Connor got their first years ago…
I always check out the book and magazine section’s, and was happy to find in one vintage knitting Magazine an article on ‘no nonsense knitting’, oh yes! I like the sound of that and heartily approve, but well I’m just not very good at it…I also found a ‘Hers’ knitting leaflet with a rather ‘ghoulish’ looking model wearing a funky hooded top, (which would be a very nice addition to the up and coming autumn wardrobe).
I also found some dress patterns one depicting three ‘fun’ lounge wear options, and the other some ‘fashionable looks’ for the office! Next I came across two ‘pretty pictures’ the theme was floral, rural and the woman and girl were ‘resplendent’ in transparency and lace (some things I’ve always been popular..).
Finally one charity shop was disappointingly closed…(how could they??) the white mannequin was staring vacantly at me from the window…but on closer inspection…who had a go at ‘doing the makeup’, in biro? Really? (nice scarf though) With this door closed, my only option was to return home to reflect, digest and have a nice cup of tea and maybe a cake….I mean why not? Maybe a Mr Kipling will suffice…? (They unlike most advertising promises are ‘exceedingly good’..). Well at least I think so…