a’Musing’ in Margate…

This week’s date came round to my pre-booked coach journey to Margate, a day trip paid in advance for £18 return, so I got myself ready and waited in anticipation for the arrival of the coach. It was probably was one of the hottest days this summer, with a predicted temperature of 30 ºc (which it did reach…) I knew I just had to hit/find the Charity’s shop ASAP on arrival…After a number of delays due to roadworks (where no one seem to be present…typical..) we eventually arrived in Margate at 12:30pm, so we had until 4:30 p.m. to get back to the coach. So off I set pronto making my way to the High Street via the Street signs.

'head's up' boy were the wig's high up! The first shop of interest was not a Charity Shop (shock..horror..) but a dress shop called Monique’s Boutique, where apart from the clothing she had a great selection of wigs. They were displayed very high but I just had to try and get a few shots…(interestingly on the mannequin heads the logo was ‘stranded’…). The first charity shop I managed to find was Sense, even though there was ‘no nonsense’ in this shop there was no items of interest..oh…well onto the next…which was the British Heart Foundation. unfortunately again nothing of interest to report.

the first display's to catch my 'fashion eye'...Finally my eyes were drawn to the windows of the Age UK charity shop and this looked promising! Inside I was greeted with a mannequin head wearing a neon pink wig, neons I believe are ‘trending’ this summer, next was a much more ‘demure’ mannequin almost peeping round at me in a definitely ‘blend in with the crowd wig’ which if you don’t want anyone to know that you’re wearing one this is ideal!

Are two wigs better than one?

Pointed shoes in glitter grey and satin mauve caught my ‘fashion eye’ as did a butterfly print blouse with matching bag and platforms, which would be well teamed with denim only yes! Outside the entrance were two rather groovy and very comfortable looking chairs, which made me feel right at home! My search continued but alas I could not find any more charity shops, (though I did find some very good vintage ones).

the items that caught my 'fashion eye'...

So it was off to the seafront to explore.. which was especially difficult as it was very hot and very crowded…but I was determined to get the whole ‘SP’ on Margate…I can’t say I was disappointed, with it being so hot it was a good time to retreat to the Tate Gallery where there was a free exhibition all about circles and called ‘Seeing around corners’…(just like that mannequin head…) therefore I was able to fulfil my fashion & Art yearnings quite to my satisfaction for the day!

I felt 'at home' viewing these chairs...