About philippanestie

Fearlessly moving forward with a 'no-nonsense approach'

Posts by philippanestie:

A Pineapple ‘party’

The other week it was Unicorns this week it’s pineapples, the exotic fruit seems to be everywhere from bags, phone cases, soft furnishings, lights you name it there’s probably a pineapple on it. So what’s this all about? Apparently it’s been a big trend in 2017 though I can’t say I’ve even noticed until this week…(maybe Read More

Lidl Surprise ‘Wow’…

I guess it was the ‘wow’ factor that greeted me on my recent visit to my local Lidl. Who’d of thought that Supermodel stardom could be viewed whilst picking up my usual groceries? I have seen clothing at Lidl before, but to be honest never gave it a second glance, it was usually just vests Read More

Car ‘Booti-full’

I’ve been making the effort this summer to get up early on a Sunday morning (no easy task…) to go to a variety of boot sales around my local area. Some very large, some small, but all containing a ‘bountiful’ of expectant interest…in that you have no idea before you go what you’ll find or Read More


As most things with an ‘i’ prefaced either aim/become ‘trendy’ or belong to Apple, I’ve decided ‘i.protest’ at this state of affairs. ‘i’ protest against a lot of things but I protest especially sticking an i in front of a word or saying in that somehow that makes it appear more ‘relevant’ or dare I Read More

A sad demise…

Yet another Charity Shop ‘bit the dust’ I discovered this week, and I was very sorry to see it go. It was small with some very friendly volunteers and I used to look forward to going and ‘having a chat’, they even let my dog in (which is getting rarer these days unfortunately…). I wouldn’t Read More

“Show me the lace”…(part one)

“Show me the lace”, is one of my very favourite lines from the iconic 1970’s fashion/horror film ‘The Eyes of Laura Mars’, starring Faye Dunaway and directed by John Carpenter. A film I will not even try to describe the words ‘fail me’…at present…I just love it so much…only to say more to follow on Read More

‘Bag’ an icon…

How do you get hold of your own ‘personal icon’? Why by purchasing a bag in emblazoned with their image across it ‘of course!’ It was two enduring icon bags that ‘seized’ my ‘fashion eye’ whilst out and about ‘minding my own business’ as it were…in my immediate locality. Firstly that eternal icon of pure Read More


On browsing a recent Stylist I was rather amused to find some ‘interesting items’ at what price?? Am I hearing you correctly? £78 for basically a ‘blusher’ just because it’s Tom Ford…it may be good but that’s nearly £80! That’s probably more than you get on the dole these days?? (Hey..I’ve checked this it’s currently Read More