About philippanestie

Fearlessly moving forward with a 'no-nonsense approach'

Posts by philippanestie:

Rain off…it’s Ascot!!

Oh dear, Oh dear….the recent weather has not been kind to us at all…and it’s especially bad as it was Ascot this week and Ladies Day! Such downpours of rain are most ‘unbecoming’…when you wish to wear that special Ascot outfit! So nearer to home down at the charity shop, Stephanie was decked out in Read More

I say…’Slogan it’…

Slogan it! I say or rather that’s the message I’m getting from browsing my local High Street shops, especially as we are now entering the Summer season, ready-made slogans are a plenty. From the most obvious on T-shirts, to bag’s, badge’s, sweatshirts, leggings, make-up bags, even mirrors. The amount of places you can ‘slogan’ seems endless…so Read More

Don’t Believe the ‘Hype’!

As I leafed through my free magazine on the train, I once again came face to face with ‘complete and utter perfection‘. Staring back at me were ‘perfect faces’, ‘perfect bodies from a perfect world’….smooth glowing skin, lustrous healthy tresses, cool clothes, great handbags, exciting nights out, fantastic holiday locations and amazing careers…the list goes Read More

A Bridal Affair…

So I was very excited last week to see an up and coming wedding fair at my town’s largest hotel. It’s rather a ‘swish joint’ so I was looking forward to attending the ‘soiree’. Plus it was free entry so what was there to lose? I certainly needed a new Bridal fix in what would Read More

‘Booming’ in Basildon..

The newspaper headlines were bold & boasting ‘Basildon Boomtown’, the town was on up in the polls now, as the “9th best place to live & work in the Uk” according to the local newspaper and if that’s not enough ‘big business’ is coming to town and that meant big news for Basildon. These were the news Read More