About philippanestie

Fearlessly moving forward with a 'no-nonsense approach'

Posts by philippanestie:

A ‘blue’ mood…

It was a ‘blue mood’ at the start of the year down at the charity shop, Stephanie was regaled in a violet blue ‘disc’ hat, a chunky pearl necklace, a black chiffon dress and scarf, and a single gold bangle. It was a simple yet sombre stance, muted colours successfully added a tonal range and Read More

‘Blogged out’…

Yep, this is how I feel after over a year’s non-stop blogging…I feel like I’m all ‘blogged out’ at the moment & I need some serious rest and rejuvenation…for which the New Year is an ideal time to take stock/make a ‘pitstop’ reflect, edit, & possibly delete?? Make fresh plans,  it’s ‘out with the old and in with the Read More

Victorian Noir…

Marianne steps into the ‘dark side‘ with a look that harks all the way back to the Victorian era. The colour is black, the details are lace, ‘jet beads’ & ruffles & the style is dramatic with an added look of ‘mystery’…there will be no ‘mourning’ here for a lost era & time…as this look Read More

“Bang on trend” – it’s back to the 80’s!

So it’s back to the 80’s with Marianne & of course she’s bang on trend (yet again..) according to Hello Fashion Magazine’s recent report. Oh yes! Top designers are taking keynotes from this decade & reinventing (or maybe rehashing them might be more accurate..) to include in their new collections. From clashing colours to baggy jumpers, Read More

Halloween Queen!

So down at the Charity shop today – I sure was in for a big surprise! It certainly looked like Halloween had arrived in style according to Stephanie’s attire, even the door creaked slowly open, as I entered with dozen’s of cobweb’s landing on my head…& I was transported into this ‘midnight like’ but during Read More

‘Label lovin’ Louis…

Never hearing before of a Louis Vuitton exhibition the announcement of an exhibit detailing the making of a collection peaked my interest. I was curious of its content & how Louis Vuitton represented itself, plus it was free entry so what was not to like? Online booking & a timed entry I arrived excitedly with my Read More