About philippanestie

Fearlessly moving forward with a 'no-nonsense approach'

Posts by philippanestie:

Elllee I’m back!!

 I now I find out on a recent visit to Pitsea market the cheap magazine stall is back on a Saturday! Hallelujah! Got this Elle magazine for £1 so I am almost ‘up to date’ as this is the Nov 14 issue..so I am getting there… Inside I have just been catching up on all Read More

How much is that doggy in the window??

A recent mooch down the seafront revealed a shop offering these lovelies for sale, cute or what?? Both of 2 very popular breeds the Yorkshire Terrier and the trusty Scottie dog. (Though my dog’s breed was not in the window! woof woof…) But this did not stop me admiring these statuette’s & seeing what ‘purposes Read More

Shopping Trollies ‘A go-go’…

I didn’t realise my trusty shopper is currently really all the rage..as reported recently by the Daily Mail Online & also last year in Feb 2013 – so this it seems is a trend that won’t go away . Previously regulated to ‘Grannies’ even Louis Vuitton & Chanel have come on board! Who knows who else Read More

Make-up or not…a memorial to Farah + more…

This is a shot of my current make-up bag…(I know you’re jealous already..) a bargain from recent times at the princely sum of 50p. It features a Cosmo cover of Charlie’s Angel’s legend Farah Fawcett with her trademark bright white smile and thick blonde luscious locks. No wonder she became a worldwide name back in Read More

Fashion One is the one!

Flicking channels recently I was very pleased to come across ‘Fashion One’ channel on Sky 257, since a year or so ago when World Fashion show was on “My Channel’ both the show and channel seemed to disappear…so I was pleasantly surprised to know there is a whole channel to appease my ‘fashion fix‘ whenever Read More

Spooky Chillingham doll

To mark the passing of  Halloween I am posting this picture of a creepy doll I encountered on a visit to the atmospheric Chillingham Castle in Northumbria. Famed for it’s Ghost tours the Castle contains many authentic artefacts which adds to the ‘chilling ambience’ (obviously the Castle is well named in this respect..) as night falls I Read More

‘Sleek de Chic’ in Grays

Had an errand to run in Grays last Saturday, captured these ‘beauties’ in the indoor shopping centre. Not quite ready for a ‘long haired’ option yet (but you never know the occasion may arise..) they look a bit aloof though, rather ‘snooty’ some how and a bit glum, there is ‘an elegance yet sadness’ in Read More

Some out takes from a recent shoot…

When viewing images from your latest shoot it can be very hard to make a pick, my recent shoot ‘On the way to the launderette’ (see Fashion page) presented such challenges, it is very important to get across ‘my stance’ as it were, so the pose and location, framing are paramount. This one ‘By the Read More

3 High Fashion Mags for £2!

Since Pitsea market has been reduced and I believe ‘destroyed’ from it’s former glory to its now ‘mini’ size, the cheap magazine & book stall that used to be there on a Saturday has gone….the market was reduced to make space for a Morrison’s car park, so Basildon council kindly obliged & also knock-downed the swimming pool Read More

Say Yes to the dress?? Programme on TLC

Recent programmes that have caught my eye have been Say Yes to the dress on TLC, a lot of these are re-runs as the programme has been going for a while. I have been feeling under the weather and needed a non-challenging watch, the show is set in Kleinfelds Bridal shop in Manhattan and follows the experience Read More