About philippanestie

Fearlessly moving forward with a 'no-nonsense approach'

Posts by philippanestie:

Tiddly Pom

It’s round and fluffy and usually very colourful  it’s the Pom-Pom! Now ‘everyone’ knows Pom-Poms have been very big in fashion recently so the fact that they are on beach bags (now reduced by the way) is not that surprising. We are now use to seeing Pom-Poms on winter wear and accessories, but my recent search shows there is no Read More

Badly drawn lips….

Browsing through one of those free fashion magazines I came across a trend that I have not seen before ‘missed a bit lips’ I’m like…what? Though it immediately brought to mind various mannequins I’ve spotted with a very similar though unintentional  look (also nowhere near as neat…more ‘edgy’ and ‘crooked’ shall we say…) more scratched on and Read More

‘We are George’…We are ‘hideous’…

There is a catchall that has been prevalent and pervasive across all media, that has been grating on me excruciatingly, and that is when ‘We are’ is put in front of everything and infuriatingly states and insists ‘We are train’ (how…exactly?) ‘We are festival’ again how?  ‘We are tombola?!’…etc and so on…of course once one company Read More


seems i’ve ‘gone down the caf’ well my very recent published blog post has disappeared…down some web ‘worm-hole’ I guess so under investigation….back soon hopefully (I mean it’s not like I’ve got millions of fans or anything – I wish…] guess it’s just a web related mystery at the minute I mean you can’t ‘steal’ Read More

A nail attempt…

My natural nails have been suffering they peel, they crack and constantly break, they are weak and look well…not that ‘great’. I apply nail polish that ‘guarantees 7 day wear’ only to chip almost immediately, and rather fed up with this dilemma, I thought what about trying some false nails? Aka ‘falsies’, so that’s exactly what Read More

Time for a break…

I took a short break last week which I booked in the dead of winter in February to be exact..fully expecting the weather in mid April to be totally dreadful (as usual..) and well much to my (and probably the nation’s) surprise a mini heat wave hit, for which I was truly unprepared for, resulting Read More

A ‘White out’…

White shoes…are they a fashion ‘sin’? Well not according to the current fashion trend, I was more than amused to see them reappear again. Many years ago when I was a teenager it became ‘de rigueur’ to wear white boots! Unfortunately in my area they were called ‘S**g boots’ not very nice at all…and more Read More

An Easter ‘Rain off’….

I fear the Easter Bonnet will be definitely redundant this Easter due to the ever present grey clouds and constant drizzle…so yes I think it’s time to get those plastic rain bonnets out again! Though if you do manage to venture out you’ll be looking for a while…I have pictured just two I found. I Read More

Close catalogue

In view of my recent post regarding the shutting down of many High Street shops, and not at all being entirely satisfied with Internet shopping (unbelievable I know…) I thought I’d check out one of the most ‘entertaining’ of catalogues that I have bought from in the past. It was ‘entertaining’ because it offered items that Read More