Back to basics – a ‘monotone mood’

Deciding that it’s ‘enough already’ with creating yet more images, I reflected and mused…and thought maybe I’ve reached ‘saturation point’ for the minute..(it could all change by next week..oh yes!) so I went back to some early images, pared them back and desaturated them, taking them right back to the black and white only. puckering up for my turban look...!One is a rather ‘fine’ portrait of myself donning a netted turban, it was a look I was actually very surprised was in fashion, and of course felt ‘I must get on board’. The other is an eye mask from Primark (£1 at the time) and with their huge turnover of items I can bet you it’s not in stock anymore.

close your eyes & 'desaturate'So with my eyes closed and wearing the mask, it was time to ‘clear my mind’ to ‘de-clutter’, ‘focus’ and ‘let be’, I must say I rather enjoyed this ‘monotone mood’…and of course the eye patches are very useful for those ‘duvet days’, and when you want no one to disturb you on the train journey home, oh no! My final image needs no ‘explanation’ really, apart from the fact the words are formed from a necklace (again from Primark), I bought several so that I could get enough letters to spell the words ‘no nonsense’ (it does contain quite a few N’s) so hopefully by paring back, and ‘getting back to basics’, this will produce a ‘fresh approach’ to my ‘no nonsense’ ‘stylee’ anyway we’ll see

there is 'no nonsense' here...