Baseball hat? Is there…one for me?

Baseball hats? No…not in my ‘normal’ fashion repertoire, I have never worn one ever. Never even thought of wearing one and my goodness it just wouldn’t suit me…but that does not stop me noticing a good number of mannequins donning a baseball hat recently, including one rather rude one…They have had some bad reputation in the fashion stakes in the past…(?)..but that does not mean they don’t have a place and they are vastly popular, whether we like it or not… 

I found this rather rude…

Also they are very handy when you want to dodge the paparazzi (not really one of my problems…) but many celebrities wear them for that exact reason and what is seen on a celebrity is definitely seen elsewhere…but not generally for avoiding photographers! So why are they so popular? Well..I don’t have the exact answer for that but they are very practical, sporty and you can wear one just because it’s brandishing your favourite brand or football team…Though personally I think I’m team ‘no hat’…and ‘no brand’…and I’m definitely not sporty either…

nope not even a embroidered or pink one will tempt me…

They are not generally worn to ‘stand out’ from the crowd but rather for blending in (with a few exceptions). I remember ages ago when a certain baseball hat hit the headlines, it was the Burberry one worn by a section of the population which the brand deemed ‘unsuitable’ and from that they became even more popular!  Though this has definitely died down now, actually it feels like eons ago. Laughably if I wore one I would definitely not be blending in,  but would be rather standing out!  Like why is she wearing that…hat? No I’m not brave enough to take the plunge, even if they do have one with an embroidered flower on, I need more convincing than that  I can tell you…

From the front this one looks rather like a Victorian bonnet…

Though I can see the advantage of wearing one in bright sunlight…and maybe they are even a good disguise,  but I would have to change my whole style and I’m not prepared to do that especially  when it’s working so well…a beige one anyone? Not seen one yet…Though at least I know what to wear if I wish to look ‘ridiculous’…I think everyone’s got a fashion item that is directly in opposition to their usual style don’t they??

despite the variety I’m still not convinced…I just know I wouldn’t look ‘good’ at all…