Bed jackets a ‘go go’

It’s that time of year when colds, snuffles and flu sets in, and unfortunately this is what I have succumbed to over the last weekend and still lingers on…with this event of illness I have ‘taken to my bed’ and thought back to almost exactly a year ago, when I found myself in the same predicament. When I managed to ‘cheer myself up’ with the search of a suitable bed jacket, that one cosy and comforting item that has fallen by the wayside fashion wise…and with my ‘Fashion Eye’ I cannot understand it..but in a world of onesies is there still a place for the ‘humble’  bed jacket??

This pattern became a reality via the Charity Shop!

I say yes and yes again! In fact strangely enough, a bed jacket knitting pattern I featured here last year, turns up into my midst via the trusty Charity Shop (picture above).  Have I made  it? Well I’m not a ‘Knitter’ but I do like to look at it and dream…which brought me around to conducting another eBay search, that again was very successful, yielding some ‘excellent results’. One of my favourites was a knitted cape, which has a very ‘Victorian’ feel.

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I think in wearing it I would not only feel ‘comforted’ but could ‘command the seas’ and ‘run my Empire from my bedside ‘ if necessary…other options of course featured nylon, lace and some transparency though rather ‘racy’ pour moi. Also I did do a search through my ‘archives’, but did not find one bed jacket! Which was most disheartening, though I did find a ‘sweet dream’s’ pillow to make from my Stitch-by-Stitch magazine (1978).
If I get bored I can always construct a pillow...
Following on with the pillow theme..I found a quilted one to make with matching slippers and glasses case, in a very attractive peach colour, from Pam Dawson’s a Complete Guide to Embroidery book 1983.  I then found a pale pink nightdress with a ribbon trim, (also from Stitch-by-Stitch 1981 – this collection and has come in very handy) and just the thing for my current situation. Though I do believe I’ll be needing that cape to wear with it. Pass the Lemsip now…!  And..
Mirror mirror who's got the best nightdress of all?
finally…of course I may need some romantic fiction to escape into to…and while away the long hours until I am well check this classic image from a story called “and then the goodbye” by Brenda Lowery from Women’s Weekly magazine 18th July 1970, illustrated by Will Davies, – well done Will!!  It looks like the lady has got the ‘blues’!  Not surprising really if it was ‘goodbye’??
Was it really...." Goodbye"??