‘Bling Bling’…Hello to 2020!

Not sure if there’s a bling ‘thing’ going on as we start the New Year but on viewing what I’ve come across recently I’m beginning to ‘suspect’ so…with all the ‘evidence’ I have gathered…especially over the last couple of days alone. So ring a ding! I’m now thinking of the ‘Bling Ring’ gang who broke into certain celebrities homes in Hollywood and raided their treasures. (I watched the film fairly recently). Even though is was plainly wrong it was still highly ‘glamorous’ and extremely subversive so in ‘principal’ I’m ‘for it’, though I feel there’s nothing comparative going on locally (but I could be proved wrong..!). So I’ll ‘guess’ I’ll start with the gold quilted Guess bag which is certainly great for making a very ‘Jerseylicious’ statement (loved that show) just like the phone cases I found next (Tracy from the show made and sold cases like these) so I think the phone cases will go nicely with the Guess bag especially the ones with some gold sparkle like the one with the blue rose on…

the ‘Jerseylicous’ phone cases found on Canvey Island!

Now it’s time to get your feet ‘covered’ where I discovered two examples, firstly pale green glitter heels with pointy toes (courtesy of M&S) with which I found a suitable clutch to match that has the bling but wasn’t too ‘out there’.

wonder if they would do in place of those ruby slippers…? they are more the ‘good witches’ style I feel…

Secondly I discovered some turquoise diamonté sandals and a small pink heart encrusted purse.

‘twinkly’ toes? Stunning turquoise with a pink heart purse to ‘match’?? (well it was all that was there…!).

Then for pure novelty and frivolity a ‘diamond’ encrusted elephant wonder where you’d put that? Dare I even…ask? So a nice ‘twinkling’ start to the New Year and let’s try to forget…about everything else if that’s possible!

what the hell??!!!