Mask of Beauty

Guided by impulse I marched into my local Primark armed with my OneforAll gift voucher something told me that today I would find my ‘prize’! Of course being a gift voucher it had to be an item or items that I wouldn’t normally buy, so no leggings or tops just a prezzie for moi! After Read More

Greggs Fashion ‘Farce’…

To my confounded surprise on browsing my free newspaper whilst travelling (and…why not?) I came across an article a few weeks ago about Greggs joining forces with budget retailer Primark to launch a fashion range. Wow! And well…definitely food for thought came strongly to mind (no pun intended LOL). It did however get me intrigued Read More

a ‘grim’ snapshot…

A mannequin with a ‘face’ rare these days but boy does she look miserable! I spotted her alongside another 3 at a branch of River Island (still going – for the moment). Zooming in on her face I thought well…she sums up a gloomy outlook not only on retail but well rather a grim start Read More

it’s November & it’s cold outside…

I feel like saying in ‘the bleak mid-winter’ but not singing, it’s miserable outside. Cold, dark early and today the wind has really picked up. Yes today has been bright but with a variety of things going on I seriously needed cheering up. I’m feeling really down and just trying to find some hope. I’ve Read More

the kind of Cookies I like…& the ones I don’t!

Yum…! Oat & raisin cookies…melt in the mouth, tasty, comforting & totally delicious. A ‘national’ favourite, yes the American’s may have dreamt them up or popularised them at least (though don’t quote me as I haven’t checked..!) but well the cookies that are even more prevalent than these yummies are the real ‘yuckies’..what AM I Read More

Leave the label…on

A seemingly unsung fashion ‘heroine’ presented herself to me unexpectedly whilst watching (of all things) Border Security USA, yes I’m being serious! Why? When & how? You may wonder…well she appeared as a very difficult passenger stopped at the Canadian/USA border, she was awkward, belligerent, didn’t want to answer any questions at all (& I Read More


I know fashion is circular but seriously the amount of returns generated by online shopping must be astronomical! So I’m just basing this on my retail work experience and (I would say fairly moderate online shopping) as I would much rather go to a store whenever I can…but with physical stores diminishing at a rapid Read More


Browsing through a magazine whilst on the ‘neccessarium’ (medieval…look it up!) I came across a fashion spread showing jumpers with detailed collars, it really took my fancy so I decided to look into this further. Rummaging through my newspaper cuttings I found an image from another fashion report showing a detachable collar, at £60 it Read More

A ‘root’ cause…

Browsing the other day I came across a root touch up kit for only £1.75! I nearly walked past it but for that price I thought why not? I’m away from home at the moment so hence my extra interest in handy palettes that get the job done?! (you can only try…). It was just Read More