What suits my ‘palette?’

Feeling in need of a treat/pick me up I decided some new makeup was in order and I was particularly interested in purchasing a makeup palette, though not sure exactly why…brainwashed?? Anyway I was looking for a nude/natural eyeshadow number as I’m not the one for highlighting, illuminating or heaven forbid strobing. Really at my Read More

Denims ‘in the detail’….

With the weather very changeable at present it’s difficult to really plan your summer outfits without the adjunct of well ‘just in case’….I’d better pack a waterproof and an umbrella! Downpours aside one wardrobe staple that won’t let you down any time soon is denim that versatile fabric which can adapt to any season or Read More

A ‘patchy’ affair…?

I decided to treat myself to couple of fashion magazines I mean why not? I needed to know what the latest trends were…? Well it looks like yet again patchwork is making a comeback – like has it ever really gone away? Hmmm….I don’t think so…only it fades into the background for a short while…then Read More

Venturing out…slowly…

Unfortunately I’m suffering a very bad cold at the minute (which is just my luck when the weather changes for the better…oh well…) though I did manage to make it out to the charity shops just before my cold really started to kick in..like the picture above of yet another Audrey item (though I’m not Read More

Face Forward Fashion Future…?

There’s not a lot of excitement in the High Street reflecting on my recent visit…shops…many are still shuttered…but hope! A new shop has opened called ‘Beryl’ lord knows why it’s called that but anyway…so I had to go in and take a look unfortunately there was absolutely nothing in my style…at least it’s something new…and Read More

Surviving not thriving….

Well a lot has changed since a year ago with my post ‘Survivors’ (click here Survivors… – Philippa Nestie ).  Last week marked the one year anniversary of the original lockdown and here we are a year later still sadly locked down but slowly preparing to come out…small baby steps tentatively taken into this ‘Brave Read More

Beauty roll on a budget…

During my non essential shopping I decided to treat myself and purchased a Jade facial roller for a bargain price of £2.99! With high hopes of ironing out those wrinkles…well not really as I need a lot more convincing than a few beauty articles and flashy adverts endorsed by some ‘two bit’ celebrity with photo Read More

It’s not ‘essential’ but…

With the road map out of lockdown announced we can look forward to non-essential shops opening from mid-April. Good news but…in the meantime….I had a look around the essential shops and noted the other items they are selling. Unlike Wales and (I’m not sure about Scotland??) in England most other items alongside the essential goods Read More

In the Bleak Mid Winter….

Not long ago…but now…everything seems ‘frozen in time’, in ‘suspended animation’, waiting…for happier and dare I say ‘normal’ times…the mood is sombre, everyday places appear surreal through their absence of activity. Times are very hard and not much is open…it’s just so grim. So difficult to maintain any positivity but somehow we must try. 2020 Read More