Boot sale ‘Booty’

With the ever hot weather the Boot sale season is in full swing and I’ve been gadding about ‘Boot fair country’ (I know it’s not a place it just feels like it…) I just love…never knowing what you might come across will it be ‘treasure’ or trash? I certainly don’t go there expecting to unearth a lost Turner, but well finding something valuable would be a great bonus!  Though probably an impossibility...With market’s getting fewer and fewer these days, the appeal of an open air sale is growing and with finances tight for many getting a good bargain is key.

do you have ‘great style’?

The quality or condition might not be ‘great’, but if it’s serviceable and reusable, what better way to ‘recycle’? I did a few boot and table sales a while back and apart from one or two good days I usually struggled to make enough money to cover the fee!  So I stopped doing it. Though it was a good way of getting rid of stuff, I now prefer to donate to the Charity shop, overall it’s much easier and you might raise a bit of money for Charity too!!

Do you want the tiger or the bag?

Based on my recent visits I think you can pretty much find ‘anything’ at a Car boot sale, the only downside is having to get up super early on a Sunday morning…but with the weather being warmer that has been much easier. I like to ‘fuel up’ on some ‘proper’ coffee before I hit the road.  I also like to take a bag with lots of loose change etc and make sure I got my route sorted!

Dazzling Diamante’s and ‘wholesome’ hoops

So pictured here are just some of the ‘tiptop’ items I spotted recently at very affordable prices…so will you find your latest ‘fashion fix’?  Or does it matter?  When you’re having fun?  Of course you have to try and be selective…As with these low prices it is very easy to get rather…carried away shall we say?  Leaving the boot sale rather weighed down…

You’ll have access to lots off accessories, the choice is yours see what you can find!

That’s when you’re in trouble when you find at the end of the summer you’ve a lot more than you ‘bargained’ for!  And then there’s the temptation with the ‘designer’ items…Where you have to be more than careful as despite appearances they are definitely not what they seem…



Then of course it’s my ‘hot pick’ a pink studded bum bag at  £1! Also very practical and useful for car booting! So why not give it a try? You’ve nothing to lose after all…

freshly wrapped in cellophane… practical too (well I suppose… that’s an excuse…)