‘Brooching’ the subject..

In a recent search through my ‘archives’ whilst looking for bed jackets…I came across an ‘arresting image’ of brooches to make..so I thought why not?  I did not indeed make the bed jacket, but maybe I would have more chance at making a brooch. This rather ‘clawing’ image of lace, ribbons and flowers was in fact rather suffocating, but I thought why not just go with it and get the job done?

Lace, ribbons & flowers can be rather 'suffocating' at times...So I did…with a vengeance, I rummaged through my fabric box like there was ‘no tomorrow’..and came across some ‘ready-made’ crochet flowers = snip! (originally designed as a napkin holder’s) = tick, then some lace = tick..then the feeling it gave me ‘OMG’ another tick! So I put them all together and came up with my own ‘OMG’ brooch and it is rather…I was rather inspired by this 'crafty' notion...I was inspired not only by this retro pattern, but two images I captured at a Charity shop a while back, one a rather resplendent ‘crafted notion’ of animal print (yes very in now..) tape measure’s (a most unusual use..) a heart shape and a plastic rose, love it! Then rather like my brooch a flowered and lace pin cushion. When I snapped these two items, I definitely knew one day they would come in ‘handy’ and I was not wrong…    OMG! Might as well go for it!