Bargain Buys

I can’t ‘go’ for that…!

Like the ol’ Hall and Oates song, “I can’t go for that… can do”. What am I talking about? Well it’s the tacky ‘fashion’ shops that I’ve encountered lately. There’s at least one in each town. (Don’t know if that’s a ‘good’ thing – suppose it keeps some people off the streets…but definitely couldn’t see Read More

Shpock or not?

At the moment, I’m trying to sell 14 items on Shpock so far I’ve no takers, no luck and not one enquiry! Help? What do I need to do? I don’t believe they are overpriced, some are as new. Very disappointed. I can’t be bothered with eBay just too much work (working out the postage Read More

Face in shape?

Walking past a charity shop a face in the window beckoned to me, a face of pure ‘perfection’…from the darkness it seemed to glow. Admittedly it was a beautiful face + a young face…(like always..) but it wasn’t that which drew me in. It was the fact it was on a box for a product Read More

It’s my Charity Shop ‘haul’

On yet another visit to a charity shop, I found myself in one of those ‘rummage and see what you can find’ places. These I love! It’s very refreshing to find these days due to a lot of shops closing and other shops ‘refitting’ or ‘modernising’ i.e. hiking up the prices, providing less choice and creating overall a much worse shopping Read More

Sliders with no ‘slip up’…?

Browsing online recently I came across a bold fashion article claiming that Sainsbury’s £6 sliders were the sandals of the summer. At this price point and claiming to be a dupe of some rather more expensive sandals I thought I’d better investigate. Not only were they commended for their style and price but were compared Read More

High & low

Call it a ‘guilty’ secret but I do really enjoy my ‘reality’ magazines in contrast to my usual fashion fair. They act as a counterpoint to my high fashion magazines fix which are after all largely are just ‘glossy advert after glossy advert’…which can get rather annoying, dull…and frustrating to say the least. No …often Read More

It’s just 50p part two…

It’s been quite a while since I posted regarding my 50p charity shop bargains see here It’s just…..50p!! – Philippa Nestie well with still a real need to continue tightening my costs I have resorted to picking up a number of 50p items once again. (In fact I haven’t really stopped…it’s just that the items Read More

Mask of Beauty

Guided by impulse I marched into my local Primark armed with my OneforAll gift voucher something told me that today I would find my ‘prize’! Of course being a gift voucher it had to be an item or items that I wouldn’t normally buy, so no leggings or tops just a prezzie for moi! After Read More

Greggs Fashion ‘Farce’…

To my confounded surprise on browsing my free newspaper whilst travelling (and…why not?) I came across an article a few weeks ago about Greggs joining forces with budget retailer Primark to launch a fashion range. Wow! And well…definitely food for thought came strongly to mind (no pun intended LOL). It did however get me intrigued Read More

A ‘root’ cause…

Browsing the other day I came across a root touch up kit for only £1.75! I nearly walked past it but for that price I thought why not? I’m away from home at the moment so hence my extra interest in handy palettes that get the job done?! (you can only try…). It was just Read More