Bargain Buys

Sherry ‘dry’….

There’s a ‘drought’ on (well as far as I’m concerned) a drought of what exactly? Well only my favourite aperitif and tipple Sherry, but not just any Sherry in fact its ‘Nobleman’ from Lidl, it’s not the best at all but it’s very cheap at £2.99 a bottle. Though on my recent visit (yesterday) there was Read More

Close catalogue

In view of my recent post regarding the shutting down of many High Street shops, and not at all being entirely satisfied with Internet shopping (unbelievable I know…) I thought I’d check out one of the most ‘entertaining’ of catalogues that I have bought from in the past. It was ‘entertaining’ because it offered items that Read More

Very Vintage

  Apart from scouring Charity shops and Bootsales another place I love to browse are Vintage shops. There are not a huge amount near me, but what there is generally very good. I don’t buy the clothes as they are not ‘my style’ per se, but I will indulge in trinket or two, and I Read More

Lidl Surprise ‘Wow’…

I guess it was the ‘wow’ factor that greeted me on my recent visit to my local Lidl. Who’d of thought that Supermodel stardom could be viewed whilst picking up my usual groceries? I have seen clothing at Lidl before, but to be honest never gave it a second glance, it was usually just vests Read More

Car ‘Booti-full’

I’ve been making the effort this summer to get up early on a Sunday morning (no easy task…) to go to a variety of boot sales around my local area. Some very large, some small, but all containing a ‘bountiful’ of expectant interest…in that you have no idea before you go what you’ll find or Read More

A sad demise…

Yet another Charity Shop ‘bit the dust’ I discovered this week, and I was very sorry to see it go. It was small with some very friendly volunteers and I used to look forward to going and ‘having a chat’, they even let my dog in (which is getting rarer these days unfortunately…). I wouldn’t Read More