
Face in shape?

Walking past a charity shop a face in the window beckoned to me, a face of pure ‘perfection’…from the darkness it seemed to glow. Admittedly it was a beautiful face + a young face…(like always..) but it wasn’t that which drew me in. It was the fact it was on a box for a product Read More

Mask of Beauty

Guided by impulse I marched into my local Primark armed with my OneforAll gift voucher something told me that today I would find my ‘prize’! Of course being a gift voucher it had to be an item or items that I wouldn’t normally buy, so no leggings or tops just a prezzie for moi! After Read More

A ‘root’ cause…

Browsing the other day I came across a root touch up kit for only £1.75! I nearly walked past it but for that price I thought why not? I’m away from home at the moment so hence my extra interest in handy palettes that get the job done?! (you can only try…). It was just Read More

What suits my ‘palette?’

Feeling in need of a treat/pick me up I decided some new makeup was in order and I was particularly interested in purchasing a makeup palette, though not sure exactly why…brainwashed?? Anyway I was looking for a nude/natural eyeshadow number as I’m not the one for highlighting, illuminating or heaven forbid strobing. Really at my Read More

Beauty roll on a budget…

During my non essential shopping I decided to treat myself and purchased a Jade facial roller for a bargain price of £2.99! With high hopes of ironing out those wrinkles…well not really as I need a lot more convincing than a few beauty articles and flashy adverts endorsed by some ‘two bit’ celebrity with photo Read More