Charity Shop


As June ends, the midpoint of the year concludes with no return. We enter the sign of the crab, Cancer, and July begins. It is fitting that this water sign rules what could be major turbulence with the election on American Independence Day, as well as my late mother’s birthday! (She said she was always Read More

Face in shape?

Walking past a charity shop a face in the window beckoned to me, a face of pure ‘perfection’…from the darkness it seemed to glow. Admittedly it was a beautiful face + a young face…(like always..) but it wasn’t that which drew me in. It was the fact it was on a box for a product Read More

A ‘nothing’ November…

Why? Because I didn’t really have anything to report, I’ve also been very busy with a practical matter that’s been taking up most of my time. So the only item of interest I found was a pair of shoes (pictured above) with the potential to be ‘Cinderella’s slipper’…that’s it. No wait sorry there was also Read More

It’s just 50p part two…

It’s been quite a while since I posted regarding my 50p charity shop bargains see here It’s just…..50p!! – Philippa Nestie well with still a real need to continue tightening my costs I have resorted to picking up a number of 50p items once again. (In fact I haven’t really stopped…it’s just that the items Read More

What suits my ‘palette?’

Feeling in need of a treat/pick me up I decided some new makeup was in order and I was particularly interested in purchasing a makeup palette, though not sure exactly why…brainwashed?? Anyway I was looking for a nude/natural eyeshadow number as I’m not the one for highlighting, illuminating or heaven forbid strobing. Really at my Read More

Venturing out…slowly…

Unfortunately I’m suffering a very bad cold at the minute (which is just my luck when the weather changes for the better…oh well…) though I did manage to make it out to the charity shops just before my cold really started to kick the picture above of yet another Audrey item (though I’m not Read More

It’s just…..50p!!

Well it’s very hard for lots of people at present, so it’s time to take stock and conserve what you have and try and not spend a penny…! (hmmm…well yes sorry for that pun but it just came out…!). What if you do need/want/desire absolutely have to buy something…like today I bought a make-up sponge Read More

Driven crazy…!

My beloved mini has broken down and I just don’t know what to do…I feel lost without it, bereft and heartbroken. It’s a major job, like a huge job and I don’t know which way to turn (literally) the repair is more than the car cost…!  And I’m clueless about vehicles apart from driving one Read More