Charity Shop

A sad demise…

Yet another Charity Shop ‘bit the dust’ I discovered this week, and I was very sorry to see it go. It was small with some very friendly volunteers and I used to look forward to going and ‘having a chat’, they even let my dog in (which is getting rarer these days unfortunately…). I wouldn’t Read More

When it’s gone…it’s gone…

‘Strange’ museum displays, ‘spooky’ shop windows, wig’s on sideways, missing limbs, crinkly clothes, dusty appearance, an occasional ‘musty’ smell, and dynamic poses…what might I be describing? Well it’s those favourite’s of mine…mannequins! Sadly it seems they are disappearing fast…so what is to be done about it? Times are a changing with minimalism, clean lines, and Read More

‘Valentine Me Up’..!

So Valentine’s Day is upon us, and for those of us who are expecting no Valentine’s Day cards, chocolates, or flowers…this day can be rather depressing…but wait! Why get down about it? It’s so ‘in your face’ and ‘absolutely everywhere’ (as my pictures will attest) that’s it’s laughable! There is it seems, no escaping it Read More

Rain off…it’s Ascot!!

Oh dear, Oh dear….the recent weather has not been kind to us at all…and it’s especially bad as it was Ascot this week and Ladies Day! Such downpours of rain are most ‘unbecoming’…when you wish to wear that special Ascot outfit! So nearer to home down at the charity shop, Stephanie was decked out in Read More