
I NEED a coffee…

I’m stressed out. I’m trying to sell my house. I need a coffee. I’m stressed out. I need to sell my house. Like the T-shirt above ‘coffee a.m. coffee p.m.’ that’s definitely me at the moment….it’s a better addiction than other ‘unsuitable’ substances or beverages….and this fact seems to have hit the fashion trend at Read More

Black is black?

No…not like the song ‘I want my baby back’, this is about tights. Scouring through my tights collection it seems to reveal that just stating ‘black’ isn’t enough, there has to be something else. I mean I’ve heard of ‘barely black’ suggesting a more transparent effect (even though on the actual packet they look decidedly Read More

Winds of change…

The rapid disappearance of Summer has left me ‘high and dry’, I can’t quite believe how only the other week I was walking around in the sunshine, but now find myself caught up in not only wind, but rain too! It seems so sudden…I just wasn’t prepared for this abrupt season change…and if that wasn’t Read More

The Great Kate

I was heartened to come across an article about a street dance celebrating the 65th birthday of Kate Bush. Fans wore red in homage to the dress from the famous Wuthering Heights video. This is the song that catapulted Kate to instant fame. She was only 18 years old when the self-penned song caught the Read More


As June ends, the midpoint of the year concludes with no return. We enter the sign of the crab, Cancer, and July begins. It is fitting that this water sign rules what could be major turbulence with the election on American Independence Day, as well as my late mother’s birthday! (She said she was always Read More

I have a dream…

I’ve been looking to move, and I mean move. Despite intense searching, I haven’t found anywhere; there seems to be a ‘but’ with everything. My present home needs work, and then there are my belongings. I’ve even started looking into auction properties because I want to move back to London, which certainly isn’t the most Read More

To tag or not to tag?

That is the question…and…the answer is…to tag! Based on my recent rounds of the shops, traditionally it was the luxury retailers with high value items that were tagged; now even budget retailers like Peacocks, tag their products to prevent theft. Although it won’t stop all thieves with a variety of tools that can be purchased Read More

Going against the ‘grain’…

With a lot of personal matters and deadlines to deal with in January the new year has started slowly for me. Despite that, I have been actively adding to my ‘portfolio’. Before Christmas I went out with the aim of documenting the decline of ‘real’ retail using my new 68-megapixel camera. It was low cost Read More

For every debit, there IS a credit!

Unfortunately, I’ve been ill over the whole festive period. A very disappointing time, including missing out on a trip back home. Alas, it was not meant to be, and I was just stuck in bed with more than sniffles so not much fun at all. Tired from reading, I decided to work through some DVDs Read More

September slipped by, I dream of Dubai…

Over the summer many places I went, either through a train station, in a shop, or just walking down the street. A beautiful scent captured my thoughts. It was all-powerful, intoxicating, mesmerising, and unforgettable. I just had to find out what it was? I was in olfactory suspense…it wasn’t an obsession per se, but more Read More

What the hell is bubble tea?

On a bus journey in London, passing Chinatown, I spotted groups of young people queuing outside a café. There was nothing unusual in that, except the sign on the café declared it sold bubble tea. Intrigued, I wondered what bubble tea was? I then decided to look into this further. I’m a big fan of Read More

‘Egg’…citing Easter?

Well not really as not a kid anymore…Easter Eggs unfortunately just mean weight gain to me now (struggling with ‘middle age spread’ and a muffin top? LOL). I could get involved in an active Easter Egg hunt perhaps? Yep…I’d be the oldest ‘kid’ on the block! Though this has not stopped me indulging in one Read More

Not just a ‘number’…

From banks, insurance, utilities, communication companies to GP surgeries = NHS especially. What do they all have in common? An absolute obsession with asking, requesting and recording your date of birth and I hate it. I object to being subjugated to a number. I mean how many times do you need your age rubbed in Read More

I’m not a robot!

And I resent the insinuation, the accusation, the inconvenience, the test, the tracking, the “you must comply”, the assumption, the infuriating challenge & the total insult! I could go on & on…I flaming hate I’m not a robot! And all the tests, challenges, pop-ups, agreements, privacy notices, cookies, security questions, codes, passwords etc. I find Read More

For feets sake!!

I have to admit and maybe because being a ‘certain’ age now I’m having major dramas with my feet…a bunion in one foot and in the other arthritis in the ankle (I’ve been told no there are no ankle replacements unlike hips…so what do I do?). Basically I’ve been struggling on now for over a Read More