
A Blog-‘tastic’! post..

In reference to my previous post on the ‘Women Fashion Power’ exhibition I present Stephanie in what I would describe in a truly ‘blog-‘tastic‘ manner, in which I have made Stephanie ‘appear at the exhibition’ by the ‘magic’ of photo manipulation into the situation… & she truly deserves this honour!  Not only does she earn Read More

Women Fashion Power!!

So at the Design Museum show ‘Women Fashion Power’ it was more like ‘mannequin mannequin mannequin!’ (which made me happy). From the free guide the curator states ‘this exhibition is a celebration of exceptional women. All of the women we invited to contribute to the exhibition were chosen because they are leaders in their field.’ So Read More

A ‘V&A’ (view & assess) of Bridal

Friday the 13th just gone, Friday ‘Brideday’ unlucky for some? Or indeed maybe ‘lucky’?…Went to the Wedding dresses show at the Victoria & Albert Museum to ‘view and assess’ the offerings on show.  I just had to go…what with my strange ‘bridal obsession’….I mean why I love looking at bridal wear is beyond me…when I Read More