
Customer service? Don’t make me laugh….

Please don’t make me LOL especially when it comes to anything apart from walking into an actual shop. No its ‘services’ from mobile providers, energy companies, ‘communications’, insurance (especially) banks, online retailers even the council. One thing they all seem to provide is utter frustration and total anger. “Your call is important to us”, well Read More

It will all come out in the ‘wash’…

Interesting to note that some major fashion retailers have been taken to task regarding their green credentials. Fair enough if you’re producing fast fashion that is damaging the planet you must be made accountable. But how true are their claims? If environmentalists didn’t ‘force’ them into it would they even bother or care? Like causes Read More

High & low

Call it a ‘guilty’ secret but I do really enjoy my ‘reality’ magazines in contrast to my usual fashion fair. They act as a counterpoint to my high fashion magazines fix which are after all largely are just ‘glossy advert after glossy advert’…which can get rather annoying, dull…and frustrating to say the least. No …often Read More

It’s just 50p part two…

It’s been quite a while since I posted regarding my 50p charity shop bargains see here It’s just…..50p!! – Philippa Nestie well with still a real need to continue tightening my costs I have resorted to picking up a number of 50p items once again. (In fact I haven’t really stopped…it’s just that the items Read More

Greggs Fashion ‘Farce’…

To my confounded surprise on browsing my free newspaper whilst travelling (and…why not?) I came across an article a few weeks ago about Greggs joining forces with budget retailer Primark to launch a fashion range. Wow! And well…definitely food for thought came strongly to mind (no pun intended LOL). It did however get me intrigued Read More

the kind of Cookies I like…& the ones I don’t!

Yum…! Oat & raisin cookies…melt in the mouth, tasty, comforting & totally delicious. A ‘national’ favourite, yes the American’s may have dreamt them up or popularised them at least (though don’t quote me as I haven’t checked..!) but well the cookies that are even more prevalent than these yummies are the real ‘yuckies’..what AM I Read More

Leave the label…on

A seemingly unsung fashion ‘heroine’ presented herself to me unexpectedly whilst watching (of all things) Border Security USA, yes I’m being serious! Why? When & how? You may wonder…well she appeared as a very difficult passenger stopped at the Canadian/USA border, she was awkward, belligerent, didn’t want to answer any questions at all (& I Read More


I know fashion is circular but seriously the amount of returns generated by online shopping must be astronomical! So I’m just basing this on my retail work experience and (I would say fairly moderate online shopping) as I would much rather go to a store whenever I can…but with physical stores diminishing at a rapid Read More


Browsing through a magazine whilst on the ‘neccessarium’ (medieval…look it up!) I came across a fashion spread showing jumpers with detailed collars, it really took my fancy so I decided to look into this further. Rummaging through my newspaper cuttings I found an image from another fashion report showing a detachable collar, at £60 it Read More

Denims ‘in the detail’….

With the weather very changeable at present it’s difficult to really plan your summer outfits without the adjunct of well ‘just in case’….I’d better pack a waterproof and an umbrella! Downpours aside one wardrobe staple that won’t let you down any time soon is denim that versatile fabric which can adapt to any season or Read More

A ‘patchy’ affair…?

I decided to treat myself to couple of fashion magazines I mean why not? I needed to know what the latest trends were…? Well it looks like yet again patchwork is making a comeback – like has it ever really gone away? Hmmm….I don’t think so…only it fades into the background for a short while…then Read More