
I wait with baited breath….

I’m now waiting in anticipation for the reopening of ‘nonessential’ shops tomorrow and wondering how it’s all going to work? With all the limitations it’s going to be very interesting to say the least…I wonder when will I be able to take a picture like above? Are there going to be big queues outside Charity Shops? Read More

Fashion Fix

Feeling rather deprived of some fashion and wondering what’ll be opening and how will it work? My tablet provided a good means of distraction, if you can’t see it for real I guess online is the next best thing. So scrolling through my fashion options, I started viewing Harper’s Bazaar magazine which I’ve enjoyed in Read More

now…what + where?

With yesterday’s corona update delivered by the prime minister there are obviously lot’s of questions and concerns with some clarity needed! ‘Confusion’ reigns…but I digress…so as I have not been able to go on my usual round of shops, my mind drifted to some pictures of places I took before the lockdown…does anyone remember that…? Read More

Corona Cover Up

Since my last blog post 20 days ago a lot has happened in between. The corona crisis has escalated to a level of national lockdown and it is an issue no one on this planet can ignore (don’t try you won’t be able to…). It’s all very surreal…Disturbing in fact to be living in such Read More


With all the very bad news, the scary news dare I even say the Cxxxxx virus word? It’s all getting a bit much for me…I just can’t deal with it…Life is becoming like an episode from the 1970’s TV series Survivors (also I think there has been a recent remake?). Anyway with people acting ‘crazy’ Read More

WTH….Charlie’s Angels??!!

So there I was thinking I was ‘safe’ home alone watching re-runs of Charlie’s Angels on the Sony channel (a favourite of mine from childhood..explains a lot…) when midst a ‘Redwine glare’ a horrid and grotesque face flickered on and off the screen…was I ‘seeing things’? Was that a mirage? What the hell…was…that? ‘Chilled to Read More

‘Texture’ it…

On my usual rounds of junk and charity shops, I began to encounter items that were embellished, decorated and textured. So I thought let’s ‘celebrate’ that. From beading to embroidery adding a whole new layer of interest to what would otherwise maybe a rather boring bag or jacket. Embellishment is nothing new at all…but what Read More

Trick or…treat?

Well…to be honest sometimes I’m only in a mood for a treat and then sometimes a trick if I’m in that ‘devilish’ frame of mind.  Love it or hate it it’s impossible to ignore Halloween…and it’s not going to go away no matter how much you wish it so…what do you do? If you hate Read More


Always wanted to visit New York…I nearly made it over there in the 90’s, but I got ill so the trip had to be unfortunately cancelled and I never got to experience the big apple…dam…I didn’t have the money later on as I was a cash-strapped student, so when I see pictures of New York Read More