
‘We are George’…We are ‘hideous’…

There is a catchall that has been prevalent and pervasive across all media, that has been grating on me excruciatingly, and that is when ‘We are’ is put in front of everything and infuriatingly states and insists ‘We are train’ (how…exactly?) ‘We are festival’ again how?  ‘We are tombola?!’…etc and so on…of course once one company Read More

Time for a break…

I took a short break last week which I booked in the dead of winter in February to be exact..fully expecting the weather in mid April to be totally dreadful (as usual..) and well much to my (and probably the nation’s) surprise a mini heat wave hit, for which I was truly unprepared for, resulting Read More

A ‘White out’…

White shoes…are they a fashion ‘sin’? Well not according to the current fashion trend, I was more than amused to see them reappear again. Many years ago when I was a teenager it became ‘de rigueur’ to wear white boots! Unfortunately in my area they were called ‘S**g boots’ not very nice at all…and more Read More

Close catalogue

In view of my recent post regarding the shutting down of many High Street shops, and not at all being entirely satisfied with Internet shopping (unbelievable I know…) I thought I’d check out one of the most ‘entertaining’ of catalogues that I have bought from in the past. It was ‘entertaining’ because it offered items that Read More

Shut up…Shop?

A year ago I did a post called “My High Street is closing down” where I detailed how quite a few shops on my local High Street had closed..Now with the recent news of Toys ‘R’ Us and Maplin going into administration the question is still very relevant. Over the year a small number of Read More

It’s S-no fun…!

I can tell you I’m so over this snow situation, that it’s becoming tedious. Being trapped indoors and not able to travel or walk anywhere without great difficulty…and…why oh why? Didn’t I buy those snowshoe grips I saw in the Charity Shop the other day? The ones I comfortably thought “I’ll never use those” and Read More

Valentine…time for a pasty please!

It’s that tacky time of year again…red roses, chocolates and ‘disturbing’ teddies all in aid of Valentine’s Day. When no one it seems can give a fig who or what that was anymore and singletons the nation over feel evermore single with no Valentine. Why does this day have to have such negative insinuations to Read More

A Grey ‘state’…

The weather over the last week as we’ve entered the New Year has been awful…and on my phone today’s forecast it’s ‘dreary’ oh dear…after the sparkle ‘n’ glitz of New Year comes a more sombre tone of grim reality. Terrible weather, a return to work, being skint after Christmas and the dreaded price hikes in Read More


Apparently it’s all ‘about the sparkle’ at the moment with sequins (as many as you can find…) glitter and metallic’s been the very thing to provide you with all the ‘glitz n glam’ you need to ‘rock it’ for that ‘on pointe’ New Year’s Eve look. It’s time to sparkle’ise’ or if you’re going to Read More

Balls to Christmas!

There..I’ve said it…! Or maybe ‘baubles’ is more appropriate…(as there are plenty of those..). So a couple weeks ago in the ‘build up’ to Christmas I thought ‘sod it’, I’m really not going to bother this year and get in a ‘sweat over it’. I’m just so over this Christmas ‘crush’, as that’s what it Read More

Naff ‘nough for you??

From ‘Bags of Inspiration’ the other week to the trend of ‘uplifting’ quotes and obvious statements for the home with the words wait for it…such as ‘home’, ‘love’, ‘bath’, ‘relax’ etc have made a worrying presence in interior decoration of recent times. Along with ‘basket weave’ hearts (you must of seen those?) and canvas prints Read More

Very Vintage

  Apart from scouring Charity shops and Bootsales another place I love to browse are Vintage shops. There are not a huge amount near me, but what there is generally very good. I don’t buy the clothes as they are not ‘my style’ per se, but I will indulge in trinket or two, and I Read More

Bags of ‘Inspiration’…

A fashion that ‘began’ in home wares with items such as, ‘Live, Love, Laugh,’ and ‘Home’ (which I’ve seen everywhere unfortunately…) has spread to bags in a ‘big way’, but instead of a bag of just saying ‘bag’, uplifting and rather ‘strange sayings’ have appeared on your humble functional every day shopper. So I didn’t Read More


Is it a question of more ‘trash than fash’ this Halloween? With whole aisles in the shops dedicated Halloween products, you really have to ‘sift through’ to find the ‘fashion’ aspect. Though Halloween is not about fashion as such, it is strongly about attire. So what will you be wearing this Halloween? A white sheet Read More