
Shopping Trollies ‘A go-go’…

I didn’t realise my trusty shopper is currently really all the reported recently by the Daily Mail Online & also last year in Feb 2013 – so this it seems is a trend that won’t go away . Previously regulated to ‘Grannies’ even Louis Vuitton & Chanel have come on board! Who knows who else Read More

Fashion One is the one!

Flicking channels recently I was very pleased to come across ‘Fashion One’ channel on Sky 257, since a year or so ago when World Fashion show was on “My Channel’ both the show and channel seemed to disappear…so I was pleasantly surprised to know there is a whole channel to appease my ‘fashion fix‘ whenever Read More

Some out takes from a recent shoot…

When viewing images from your latest shoot it can be very hard to make a pick, my recent shoot ‘On the way to the launderette’ (see Fashion page) presented such challenges, it is very important to get across ‘my stance’ as it were, so the pose and location, framing are paramount. This one ‘By the Read More

3 High Fashion Mags for £2!

Since Pitsea market has been reduced and I believe ‘destroyed’ from it’s former glory to its now ‘mini’ size, the cheap magazine & book stall that used to be there on a Saturday has gone….the market was reduced to make space for a Morrison’s car park, so Basildon council kindly obliged & also knock-downed the swimming pool Read More