
Stay cool….whilst it’s hot

With the weather being super hot this last week and feeling I could melt most days my mind turned to ways to stay cool whilst hoping for a nice sea breeze, of course I thought ‘fashion’ though at my age even the thought of wearing a bikini (though it would be a lot cooler) is Read More

Driven crazy…!

My beloved mini has broken down and I just don’t know what to do…I feel lost without it, bereft and heartbroken. It’s a major job, like a huge job and I don’t know which way to turn (literally) the repair is more than the car cost…!  And I’m clueless about vehicles apart from driving one Read More

A ‘mixed’ bag…

So out of the darkness of lockdown my first foray into nonessential shops opening happily commenced. As I walked down the main road en route to one of my favourite Charity Shops, the tedium of the trudge along the car filled landscape was eventually relieved…across the horizon I spotted that the second-hand shop was open! Read More

Fashion Fix

Feeling rather deprived of some fashion and wondering what’ll be opening and how will it work? My tablet provided a good means of distraction, if you can’t see it for real I guess online is the next best thing. So scrolling through my fashion options, I started viewing Harper’s Bazaar magazine which I’ve enjoyed in Read More


With all the very bad news, the scary news dare I even say the Cxxxxx virus word? It’s all getting a bit much for me…I just can’t deal with it…Life is becoming like an episode from the 1970’s TV series Survivors (also I think there has been a recent remake?). Anyway with people acting ‘crazy’ Read More

Patch it up!

Patchwork is back! Did it ever go away? Well yes for a short while…but it’s now firmly on the fashion agenda for 2020. I covered this trend in 2015, see here well there’s not much more to add as it’s pretty self-explanatory, but of course like all crafts there is an art to it. Read More

Worth a ‘second’ look…

Whilst scrolling on my phone I read with interest that “second-hand fashion is set to surge in coming years” and “could overtake fast fashion”, hello? have they not seen my blog??! LOL! With environmental concerns it’s the obvious choice and anything that puts fast fashion in its place has to be a good thing…but to Read More

The Red Shoes

Looking at an app on my phone to check out what’s trending…I’ve decided to ‘sidestep’ or ‘swipe past’ the whole ‘Christmas story’, I’m just going to ignore it as much as I can, not easy and almost impossible…but in a report regarding new trends for 2020 apparently red shoes are going to be ‘big’. This Read More

Last of the Summer time…

With the school holidays about to end and the weather rather unpredictable (though to note a very hot bank holiday for a change…) is it time to start making some wardrobe adjustments? Maybe not quite yet. Despite the very fresh breeze today and evenings starting to draw in…I don’t think it’s altogether the right time Read More