
Novel ‘tea’…?

A novel and a good cup of tea what can beat it? Maybe a ‘novelty’ bag? A couple of which I came across recently, I can really understand the pop art aspect of the Swizzels Drumstick bag but the ‘Christmas’ bauble one? (have to say on looking at it again it does also have a Read More

Scrunch it…!

So I nearly posted this on Friday but didn’t get the time…with “Thank Scrunchie it’s Friday”, in ode to the old Crunchie advert “Thank Crunchie it’s Friday”, though that honeycomb middle did stick to your teeth and felt like it instantly rotted them, so even though I love Crunchies I avoided them often no matter Read More


With the recent humid weather a fan is a very fashionable and ‘demure’ way of cooling off, I only own a few including the purple one featured here. Prompted by seeing a recent magazine article about the re-emergence of fans in fashion I thought I would ‘investigate’. The fan I own was the most usual Read More

Car boot season in full swing

So now it’s time to start getting up early of a Sunday morning literally ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ and inhale deeply…(which I definitely need to do to get going as not naturally a morning person…) so rather a sacrifice of a lazy Sunday morning in bed, but well if you’re looking for bargains Read More

Not a June bride…

Down with love! Is there a film called that? (think there is…though never watched it maybe I should…?). Well it’s June that traditional month of weddings and whatnot, so no I’m not going to be a June bride this year…Or next year by the look of it…but who knows…? A miracle may happen! (think it Read More

In Fashion…?

So if I buy a bag that says ‘Fashion’ does that mean I’m in ‘Fashion’ or not? I suspect not…more likely if it was to say ‘it’s not Fashion’ I might have more of a chance..? My favourite of these fashion bags is the one with the tantalizing encrusted lips and nails, I think that Read More

Spring Hats…

With Easter just passing and Easter Bonnet’s not really ‘the thing’ any more…also with the Wedding and Ascot season not too far off, I thought it was time to take a look at hats..or rather they were just like there…like ‘in my face’ wherever I went…Of course the ones I’ve captured here are all ‘cast Read More

It’s not Versace but…

Well the outside stall that offered the Chanel tea set (covered here was now selling Versace! Yep…you can buy a mug/plate or a bathroom set…though I had to laugh at the famous Medusa logo because on close inspection she looks rather…cross eyed ahhhh! Then! I notice on a quick browse around the shops ‘Versace’ Read More

‘Scarfing’ around…

It’s good to know that another ‘trend’ is widely available locally, that somehow I’m not being ‘shortchanged’, and to even suggest that there could possibly be a lack of choice…er no! Therefore I can’t complain (dam…as I do like a bit of a grumble…) but to be perfectly frank regarding the availability of scarf’s near Read More