
An Easter ‘Rain off’….

I fear the Easter Bonnet will be definitely redundant this Easter due to the ever present grey clouds and constant drizzle…so yes I think it’s time to get those plastic rain bonnets out again! Though if you do manage to venture out you’ll be looking for a while…I have pictured just two I found. I Read More

Close catalogue

In view of my recent post regarding the shutting down of many High Street shops, and not at all being entirely satisfied with Internet shopping (unbelievable I know…) I thought I’d check out one of the most ‘entertaining’ of catalogues that I have bought from in the past. It was ‘entertaining’ because it offered items that Read More

Junky Jewellery

It’s clunky, chunky and may be a bit ‘funky’ it’s Junky Jewellery! And…there is no end of this stuff in the Charity Shops. So you’re in for a treat if you’re looking for junky jewellery as there’s piles and piles of fact it might be more accurate to describe that there is mountains of Read More

I’m going ‘nude’…

It may be boring, it may be safe but I was heartily glad that my local Charity Shops are offering an array of items in my favourite ‘go to’ colour beige. I don’t know if it’s ‘in’ or ‘out’, I really don’t care as long as I can get ‘comfy’ in my ‘natural armour’. It’s Read More

A tale of two Bags….

Two bags, two different stories, one is cheap and one is well…a whopping £5000! (and this was for the mini size!). One is pictured in a high fashion magazine, the other I photographed in a local shop that also fixes phones (‘interesting’ combination..!) so I thought I’d have a little ‘fun’ and place the cheap Read More

A Red ‘A-l-e-r-t’

It’s ‘all about’ the red, yep it’s a full ‘fashion alert’ though it won’t be the ‘new black’ it’s a colour that definitely stands out and makes a statement. It’s bold, courageous passionate and powerful. It it’s not easy to ignore (ask a bull…but that apparently is the movement not the colour…) anyway ‘reds the Read More

Bags of ‘Inspiration’…

A fashion that ‘began’ in home wares with items such as, ‘Live, Love, Laugh,’ and ‘Home’ (which I’ve seen everywhere unfortunately…) has spread to bags in a ‘big way’, but instead of a bag of just saying ‘bag’, uplifting and rather ‘strange sayings’ have appeared on your humble functional every day shopper. So I didn’t Read More

A Pineapple ‘party’

The other week it was Unicorns this week it’s pineapples, the exotic fruit seems to be everywhere from bags, phone cases, soft furnishings, lights you name it there’s probably a pineapple on it. So what’s this all about? Apparently it’s been a big trend in 2017 though I can’t say I’ve even noticed until this week…(maybe Read More

Lidl Surprise ‘Wow’…

I guess it was the ‘wow’ factor that greeted me on my recent visit to my local Lidl. Who’d of thought that Supermodel stardom could be viewed whilst picking up my usual groceries? I have seen clothing at Lidl before, but to be honest never gave it a second glance, it was usually just vests Read More

“Show me the lace”…(part one)

“Show me the lace”, is one of my very favourite lines from the iconic 1970’s fashion/horror film ‘The Eyes of Laura Mars’, starring Faye Dunaway and directed by John Carpenter. A film I will not even try to describe the words ‘fail me’…at present…I just love it so much…only to say more to follow on Read More

‘Bag’ an icon…

How do you get hold of your own ‘personal icon’? Why by purchasing a bag in emblazoned with their image across it ‘of course!’ It was two enduring icon bags that ‘seized’ my ‘fashion eye’ whilst out and about ‘minding my own business’ as it were…in my immediate locality. Firstly that eternal icon of pure Read More


On browsing a recent Stylist I was rather amused to find some ‘interesting items’ at what price?? Am I hearing you correctly? £78 for basically a ‘blusher’ just because it’s Tom Ford…it may be good but that’s nearly £80! That’s probably more than you get on the dole these days?? (Hey..I’ve checked this it’s currently Read More