
The Great Kate

I was heartened to come across an article about a street dance celebrating the 65th birthday of Kate Bush. Fans wore red in homage to the dress from the famous Wuthering Heights video. This is the song that catapulted Kate to instant fame. She was only 18 years old when the self-penned song caught the Read More

Gold ‘rush’…

Testing out my low value camera at a high-end department store, I was thoroughly enjoying the non-interruption of my focused activity. Happily snapping away with no one bothering me, asking awkward questions like what are you doing? And how can I help you? No, none of that, which was a huge relief. I mean people Read More

Face in shape?

Walking past a charity shop a face in the window beckoned to me, a face of pure ‘perfection’…from the darkness it seemed to glow. Admittedly it was a beautiful face + a young face…(like always..) but it wasn’t that which drew me in. It was the fact it was on a box for a product Read More

a ‘grim’ snapshot…

A mannequin with a ‘face’ rare these days but boy does she look miserable! I spotted her alongside another 3 at a branch of River Island (still going – for the moment). Zooming in on her face I thought well…she sums up a gloomy outlook not only on retail but well rather a grim start Read More

Leave the label…on

A seemingly unsung fashion ‘heroine’ presented herself to me unexpectedly whilst watching (of all things) Border Security USA, yes I’m being serious! Why? When & how? You may wonder…well she appeared as a very difficult passenger stopped at the Canadian/USA border, she was awkward, belligerent, didn’t want to answer any questions at all (& I Read More


Browsing through a magazine whilst on the ‘neccessarium’ (medieval…look it up!) I came across a fashion spread showing jumpers with detailed collars, it really took my fancy so I decided to look into this further. Rummaging through my newspaper cuttings I found an image from another fashion report showing a detachable collar, at £60 it Read More

A ‘root’ cause…

Browsing the other day I came across a root touch up kit for only £1.75! I nearly walked past it but for that price I thought why not? I’m away from home at the moment so hence my extra interest in handy palettes that get the job done?! (you can only try…). It was just Read More

Denims ‘in the detail’….

With the weather very changeable at present it’s difficult to really plan your summer outfits without the adjunct of well ‘just in case’….I’d better pack a waterproof and an umbrella! Downpours aside one wardrobe staple that won’t let you down any time soon is denim that versatile fabric which can adapt to any season or Read More

A ‘patchy’ affair…?

I decided to treat myself to couple of fashion magazines I mean why not? I needed to know what the latest trends were…? Well it looks like yet again patchwork is making a comeback – like has it ever really gone away? Hmmm….I don’t think so…only it fades into the background for a short while…then Read More

Venturing out…slowly…

Unfortunately I’m suffering a very bad cold at the minute (which is just my luck when the weather changes for the better…oh well…) though I did manage to make it out to the charity shops just before my cold really started to kick the picture above of yet another Audrey item (though I’m not Read More