

With all the very bad news, the scary news dare I even say the Cxxxxx virus word? It’s all getting a bit much for me…I just can’t deal with it…Life is becoming like an episode from the 1970’s TV series Survivors (also I think there has been a recent remake?). Anyway with people acting ‘crazy’ Read More

Patch it up!

Patchwork is back! Did it ever go away? Well yes for a short while…but it’s now firmly on the fashion agenda for 2020. I covered this trend in 2015, see here well there’s not much more to add as it’s pretty self-explanatory, but of course like all crafts there is an art to it. Read More

WTH….Charlie’s Angels??!!

So there I was thinking I was ‘safe’ home alone watching re-runs of Charlie’s Angels on the Sony channel (a favourite of mine from childhood..explains a lot…) when midst a ‘Redwine glare’ a horrid and grotesque face flickered on and off the screen…was I ‘seeing things’? Was that a mirage? What the hell…was…that? ‘Chilled to Read More

Trick or…treat?

Well…to be honest sometimes I’m only in a mood for a treat and then sometimes a trick if I’m in that ‘devilish’ frame of mind.  Love it or hate it it’s impossible to ignore Halloween…and it’s not going to go away no matter how much you wish it so…what do you do? If you hate Read More


Always wanted to visit New York…I nearly made it over there in the 90’s, but I got ill so the trip had to be unfortunately cancelled and I never got to experience the big apple…dam…I didn’t have the money later on as I was a cash-strapped student, so when I see pictures of New York Read More

Scrunch it…!

So I nearly posted this on Friday but didn’t get the time…with “Thank Scrunchie it’s Friday”, in ode to the old Crunchie advert “Thank Crunchie it’s Friday”, though that honeycomb middle did stick to your teeth and felt like it instantly rotted them, so even though I love Crunchies I avoided them often no matter Read More


With the recent humid weather a fan is a very fashionable and ‘demure’ way of cooling off, I only own a few including the purple one featured here. Prompted by seeing a recent magazine article about the re-emergence of fans in fashion I thought I would ‘investigate’. The fan I own was the most usual Read More

In Fashion…?

So if I buy a bag that says ‘Fashion’ does that mean I’m in ‘Fashion’ or not? I suspect not…more likely if it was to say ‘it’s not Fashion’ I might have more of a chance..? My favourite of these fashion bags is the one with the tantalizing encrusted lips and nails, I think that Read More

Metallic ‘attack’…

It’s a fashion style that doesn’t disappear forever (what does??) in fact if I think about it is always on something even if it’s only just a trim…or more appropriately a ‘glimmer’ it has that ‘other world’ space age quality and I rather love it. As a child growing up with 1970’s Sci-Fi, I felt Read More

Lomo look back…

I recently came across some old photos from way back when I bought a Lomo camera in the late 1990’s, they were like ‘all the rage’ and became very trendy…I remember Jarvis Cocker having one so I thought why not have a change from the normal 35mm? The results were mixed but generally not ‘boring’ Read More

‘Scarfing’ around…

It’s good to know that another ‘trend’ is widely available locally, that somehow I’m not being ‘shortchanged’, and to even suggest that there could possibly be a lack of choice…er no! Therefore I can’t complain (dam…as I do like a bit of a grumble…) but to be perfectly frank regarding the availability of scarf’s near Read More