
Selfie ‘no’! No Selfie!

Because I’m not one of the younger generation…I guess I am a bit ‘behind’ on the phenomenon of the selfie, though as you can see here I’m trying to join in somewhat. I guess I’m not ‘getting’ what is so utterly ‘fascinating’ about taking a picture of yourself constantly and consistently, is this the case or an Read More

EBay alert! Please buy my S***.Com!

I’ve been trying for a while…to sell a number of items on eBay and, unfortunately they are not just not budging,  after an initial success it seems I’m going through a bit of a lag!! I started sorting through my stuff in January 2015 (2 years ago now…scary!) and bit by bit over the ensuing weekends I photographed, Read More

Avert Advert!

So flicking through a few magazines this week I was again taken by the idea off ‘complete lies’.  Whether it is a highly retouched image or ‘outrageous’ claims in the advert, I was going back again to ‘don’t believe the hype’. Read More

‘Rockin’ in Romford!

Feeling the need for a ‘bit of a change’, I decided that a day out was required, a ‘change of scenery’, to experience ‘new sights and sounds’, to blow away the cobwebs (or maybe blast away in this case..). Therefore I decided to take a short(ish) train journey to another Essex town, rather different from Read More