
Don’t Believe the ‘Hype’!

As I leafed through my free magazine on the train, I once again came face to face with ‘complete and utter perfection‘. Staring back at me were ‘perfect faces’, ‘perfect bodies from a perfect world’….smooth glowing skin, lustrous healthy tresses, cool clothes, great handbags, exciting nights out, fantastic holiday locations and amazing careers…the list goes Read More

A Bridal Affair…

So I was very excited last week to see an up and coming wedding fair at my town’s largest hotel. It’s rather a ‘swish joint’ so I was looking forward to attending the ‘soiree’. Plus it was free entry so what was there to lose? I certainly needed a new Bridal fix in what would Read More

A ‘blue’ mood…

It was a ‘blue mood’ at the start of the year down at the charity shop, Stephanie was regaled in a violet blue ‘disc’ hat, a chunky pearl necklace, a black chiffon dress and scarf, and a single gold bangle. It was a simple yet sombre stance, muted colours successfully added a tonal range and Read More

‘Blogged out’…

Yep, this is how I feel after over a year’s non-stop blogging…I feel like I’m all ‘blogged out’ at the moment & I need some serious rest and rejuvenation…for which the New Year is an ideal time to take stock/make a ‘pitstop’ reflect, edit, & possibly delete?? Make fresh plans,  it’s ‘out with the old and in with the Read More

Victorian Noir…

Marianne steps into the ‘dark side‘ with a look that harks all the way back to the Victorian era. The colour is black, the details are lace, ‘jet beads’ & ruffles & the style is dramatic with an added look of ‘mystery’…there will be no ‘mourning’ here for a lost era & time…as this look Read More