
Shpock or not?

At the moment, I’m trying to sell 14 items on Shpock so far I’ve no takers, no luck and not one enquiry! Help? What do I need to do? I don’t believe they are overpriced, some are as new. Very disappointed. I can’t be bothered with eBay just too much work (working out the postage Read More

a ‘grim’ snapshot…

A mannequin with a ‘face’ rare these days but boy does she look miserable! I spotted her alongside another 3 at a branch of River Island (still going – for the moment). Zooming in on her face I thought well…she sums up a gloomy outlook not only on retail but well rather a grim start Read More

Face Forward Fashion Future…?

There’s not a lot of excitement in the High Street reflecting on my recent visit…shops…many are still shuttered…but hope! A new shop has opened called ‘Beryl’ lord knows why it’s called that but anyway…so I had to go in and take a look unfortunately there was absolutely nothing in my style…at least it’s something new…and Read More

In the Bleak Mid Winter….

Not long ago…but now…everything seems ‘frozen in time’, in ‘suspended animation’, waiting…for happier and dare I say ‘normal’ times…the mood is sombre, everyday places appear surreal through their absence of activity. Times are very hard and not much is open…it’s just so grim. So difficult to maintain any positivity but somehow we must try. 2020 Read More

Corona Cover Up

Since my last blog post 20 days ago a lot has happened in between. The corona crisis has escalated to a level of national lockdown and it is an issue no one on this planet can ignore (don’t try you won’t be able to…). It’s all very surreal…Disturbing in fact to be living in such Read More

Scrunch it…!

So I nearly posted this on Friday but didn’t get the time…with “Thank Scrunchie it’s Friday”, in ode to the old Crunchie advert “Thank Crunchie it’s Friday”, though that honeycomb middle did stick to your teeth and felt like it instantly rotted them, so even though I love Crunchies I avoided them often no matter Read More

Metallic ‘attack’…

It’s a fashion style that doesn’t disappear forever (what does??) in fact if I think about it is always on something even if it’s only just a trim…or more appropriately a ‘glimmer’ it has that ‘other world’ space age quality and I rather love it. As a child growing up with 1970’s Sci-Fi, I felt Read More

Lomo look back…

I recently came across some old photos from way back when I bought a Lomo camera in the late 1990’s, they were like ‘all the rage’ and became very trendy…I remember Jarvis Cocker having one so I thought why not have a change from the normal 35mm? The results were mixed but generally not ‘boring’ Read More

‘Scarfing’ around…

It’s good to know that another ‘trend’ is widely available locally, that somehow I’m not being ‘shortchanged’, and to even suggest that there could possibly be a lack of choice…er no! Therefore I can’t complain (dam…as I do like a bit of a grumble…) but to be perfectly frank regarding the availability of scarf’s near Read More

‘Cuffed’ up

Whilst browsing the latest Hello Fashion Magazine in their section ‘New Fashion Hacks‘ (wow this word is really been ‘bandied’ around at the minute…) I came across a look called ‘Cuff it’ in relation to wearing bangles and bracelets high on the arm (well not that high by looking at this picture…) but what immediately Read More

Badly drawn lips….

Browsing through one of those free fashion magazines I came across a trend that I have not seen before ‘missed a bit lips’ I’m like…what? Though it immediately brought to mind various mannequins I’ve spotted with a very similar though unintentional  look (also nowhere near as neat…more ‘edgy’ and ‘crooked’ shall we say…) more scratched on and Read More