
A tale of two Bags….

Two bags, two different stories, one is cheap and one is well…a whopping £5000! (and this was for the mini size!). One is pictured in a high fashion magazine, the other I photographed in a local shop that also fixes phones (‘interesting’ combination..!) so I thought I’d have a little ‘fun’ and place the cheap Read More

A Grey ‘state’…

The weather over the last week as we’ve entered the New Year has been awful…and on my phone today’s forecast it’s ‘dreary’ oh dear…after the sparkle ‘n’ glitz of New Year comes a more sombre tone of grim reality. Terrible weather, a return to work, being skint after Christmas and the dreaded price hikes in Read More

When it’s gone…it’s gone…

‘Strange’ museum displays, ‘spooky’ shop windows, wig’s on sideways, missing limbs, crinkly clothes, dusty appearance, an occasional ‘musty’ smell, and dynamic poses…what might I be describing? Well it’s those favourite’s of mine…mannequins! Sadly it seems they are disappearing fast…so what is to be done about it? Times are a changing with minimalism, clean lines, and Read More

Rain off…it’s Ascot!!

Oh dear, Oh dear….the recent weather has not been kind to us at all…and it’s especially bad as it was Ascot this week and Ladies Day! Such downpours of rain are most ‘unbecoming’…when you wish to wear that special Ascot outfit! So nearer to home down at the charity shop, Stephanie was decked out in Read More

A ‘blue’ mood…

It was a ‘blue mood’ at the start of the year down at the charity shop, Stephanie was regaled in a violet blue ‘disc’ hat, a chunky pearl necklace, a black chiffon dress and scarf, and a single gold bangle. It was a simple yet sombre stance, muted colours successfully added a tonal range and Read More