
Halloween Queen!

So down at the Charity shop today – I sure was in for a big surprise! It certainly looked like Halloween had arrived in style according to Stephanie’s attire, even the door creaked slowly open, as I entered with dozen’s of cobweb’s landing on my head…& I was transported into this ‘midnight like’ but during Read More

Gucci Up!

So my favourite style this season is what I would describe as the ‘Gucci look’, I was very impressed earlier this year with the new fashion director’s collection for S/S 15 so I‘d thought I’d better check in on what the latest was at the house of Gucci! I immediately headed to & found Read More

Flower Power!

So its all a ‘bloom’ on my local High St, with the ‘flowers of summer’ bursting forth from all directions on all manner of garments, yes floral is it seems ‘de rigueur’ in my locality (& yours too – this is the High St after all). Now we’re in the ‘height of summer’ this is no Read More

The ‘Unveiling’ of Marianne..

So now the time has come for the ‘unveiling’ of the ‘mysterious’ Marianne..aimed to coincide with the celebration of Ascot’s Ladies day, the face of my ‘RagAsh’ label is revealed..the net remains for just a fraction of a second, before the final lifting….on this ‘face of fashionable mystery’ the true beauty of Marianne is daringly Read More

The ‘Mysterious’ Marianne..

So its Ladies day at Ascot this week & to mark this momentous occasion ( though can’t say I normally bother…some of the hats are amusing at least…)  I am posting here a preview of the ‘Mysterious Marianne’…whose identity will be unveiled ‘to coincide with this highlight in the Sporting & Fashion calendar’ – So just Read More

A Blog-‘tastic’! post..

In reference to my previous post on the ‘Women Fashion Power’ exhibition I present Stephanie in what I would describe in a truly ‘blog-‘tastic‘ manner, in which I have made Stephanie ‘appear at the exhibition’ by the ‘magic’ of photo manipulation into the situation… & she truly deserves this honour!  Not only does she earn Read More