
I have a dream…

I’ve been looking to move, and I mean move. Despite intense searching, I haven’t found anywhere; there seems to be a ‘but’ with everything. My present home needs work, and then there are my belongings. I’ve even started looking into auction properties because I want to move back to London, which certainly isn’t the most Read More

September slipped by, I dream of Dubai…

Over the summer many places I went, either through a train station, in a shop, or just walking down the street. A beautiful scent captured my thoughts. It was all-powerful, intoxicating, mesmerising, and unforgettable. I just had to find out what it was? I was in olfactory suspense…it wasn’t an obsession per se, but more Read More

Face Forward Fashion Future…?

There’s not a lot of excitement in the High Street reflecting on my recent visit…shops…many are still shuttered…but hope! A new shop has opened called ‘Beryl’ lord knows why it’s called that but anyway…so I had to go in and take a look unfortunately there was absolutely nothing in my style…at least it’s something new…and Read More

Surviving not thriving….

Well a lot has changed since a year ago with my post ‘Survivors’ (click here Survivors… – Philippa Nestie ).  Last week marked the one year anniversary of the original lockdown and here we are a year later still sadly locked down but slowly preparing to come out…small baby steps tentatively taken into this ‘Brave Read More

It’s not ‘essential’ but…

With the road map out of lockdown announced we can look forward to non-essential shops opening from mid-April. Good news but…in the meantime….I had a look around the essential shops and noted the other items they are selling. Unlike Wales and (I’m not sure about Scotland??) in England most other items alongside the essential goods Read More

In the Bleak Mid Winter….

Not long ago…but now…everything seems ‘frozen in time’, in ‘suspended animation’, waiting…for happier and dare I say ‘normal’ times…the mood is sombre, everyday places appear surreal through their absence of activity. Times are very hard and not much is open…it’s just so grim. So difficult to maintain any positivity but somehow we must try. 2020 Read More

now…what + where?

With yesterday’s corona update delivered by the prime minister there are obviously lot’s of questions and concerns with some clarity needed! ‘Confusion’ reigns…but I digress…so as I have not been able to go on my usual round of shops, my mind drifted to some pictures of places I took before the lockdown…does anyone remember that…? Read More


With all the very bad news, the scary news dare I even say the Cxxxxx virus word? It’s all getting a bit much for me…I just can’t deal with it…Life is becoming like an episode from the 1970’s TV series Survivors (also I think there has been a recent remake?). Anyway with people acting ‘crazy’ Read More


Always wanted to visit New York…I nearly made it over there in the 90’s, but I got ill so the trip had to be unfortunately cancelled and I never got to experience the big apple…dam…I didn’t have the money later on as I was a cash-strapped student, so when I see pictures of New York Read More