
A Bridal Affair…

So I was very excited last week to see an up and coming wedding fair at my town’s largest hotel. It’s rather a ‘swish joint’ so I was looking forward to attending the ‘soiree’. Plus it was free entry so what was there to lose? I certainly needed a new Bridal fix in what would Read More

‘Booming’ in Basildon..

The newspaper headlines were bold & boasting ‘Basildon Boomtown’, the town was on up in the polls now, as the “9th best place to live & work in the Uk” according to the local newspaper and if that’s not enough ‘big business’ is coming to town and that meant big news for Basildon. These were the news Read More

I’m back! (part one)…

So I’ve returned from my sojourn…& I must say I’m glad to be back… enjoyable as it was there’s only so much of bumpy beds & ‘guest house’ style surroundings that I could take without doing serious ‘damage’ to my health either mental or physical…So it was time for a ‘sharp exit’ ‘stage left’ if Read More

On holiday!

Yes I’m off on a short holiday, a ‘vacation’, ‘en vacances’….but I’m off for a whole week….I’ll be staying in the UK so I’ll have to brace myself for ‘any weather’, the temperature is cooling at present, so I’ll have to make sure my wardrobe is ‘weather appropriate’, it could be sun, it could be Read More

Bronde ‘bomb’shell…

I hit my local Boots at the weekend as I had in my head maybe a ‘refresh in the hair department‘ for summer wouldn’t go amiss… so I headed for the hair dye section to see what was ‘on offer’ I didn’t think an ‘all over’ colour would suit, I was thinking more of a Read More

Women Fashion Power!!

So at the Design Museum show ‘Women Fashion Power’ it was more like ‘mannequin mannequin mannequin!’ (which made me happy). From the free guide the curator states ‘this exhibition is a celebration of exceptional women. All of the women we invited to contribute to the exhibition were chosen because they are leaders in their field.’ So Read More

A ‘V&A’ (view & assess) of Bridal

Friday the 13th just gone, Friday ‘Brideday’ unlucky for some? Or indeed maybe ‘lucky’?…Went to the Wedding dresses show at the Victoria & Albert Museum to ‘view and assess’ the offerings on show.  I just had to go…what with my strange ‘bridal obsession’….I mean why I love looking at bridal wear is beyond me…when I Read More

Midweek ‘Man-nee-cure…’

Found this rather forlorn manicure set at a junk shop it was dusty, looking old & rather jaded…I was drawn to the fact it was by BHS in bygone times (one of my fav shops – it’s so sensible & well ‘no nonsense‘ ) the set intriguingly came with the title “Lyme Regis”. A charming Read More