
I NEED a coffee…

I’m stressed out. I’m trying to sell my house. I need a coffee. I’m stressed out. I need to sell my house. Like the T-shirt above ‘coffee a.m. coffee p.m.’ that’s definitely me at the moment….it’s a better addiction than other ‘unsuitable’ substances or beverages….and this fact seems to have hit the fashion trend at Read More

Gold ‘rush’…

Testing out my low value camera at a high-end department store, I was thoroughly enjoying the non-interruption of my focused activity. Happily snapping away with no one bothering me, asking awkward questions like what are you doing? And how can I help you? No, none of that, which was a huge relief. I mean people Read More

To tag or not to tag?

That is the question…and…the answer is…to tag! Based on my recent rounds of the shops, traditionally it was the luxury retailers with high value items that were tagged; now even budget retailers like Peacocks, tag their products to prevent theft. Although it won’t stop all thieves with a variety of tools that can be purchased Read More

Going against the ‘grain’…

With a lot of personal matters and deadlines to deal with in January the new year has started slowly for me. Despite that, I have been actively adding to my ‘portfolio’. Before Christmas I went out with the aim of documenting the decline of ‘real’ retail using my new 68-megapixel camera. It was low cost Read More