Charity Shop ‘clean up’ 2…

As my Charity Shop visit’s after the New Year was so overwhelming I have to follow up with a ‘part two’, namely to mention my total amazing bargain of a full and sealed bottle of Croft Original Sherry, yes obviously somebody did not like their Christmas present and I gained big time! As a Sherry lover, I just happened to be there at the right time (for a change…) when the donations were being opened, so I snapped it up pronto no hesitation, to the bargain price of £2! Priceless! I was so happy and I found a DVD aptly named ‘Sherry Baby’ for 50p to go with.

You can’t ‘button up’ until you get the thread out!

I also came across a number of vintage item’s like the Buttoneer 2…I actually have the original one but unfortunately it does not perform at all, the little ‘prongy’ bits are so old that they just fell apart…meaning I really have to ‘make do and mend’ by sewing on any loose buttons, oh well it’s not like it’s that difficult is it? Though I suppose for some people it was…then I came across those ol’ chestnut’s Carmen heated rollers, when I was growing up many a good joke was aimed at those and they were also hugely popular (just curl and go right?). Moving on a decade to Clairol’s ‘Lock n’ roll’ which I personally have no memory of at all…it’s advantages are highlighted as ‘quick and easy-to-use’ ‘no pins or clip’s’ because that’s just like such a downer…

Finding the Carmen’s brought back so many memories…though don’t remember the Clairol’s at all!

Then I came across some ‘Huftstrumpfhose’ which took me a bit ‘aback’ for a second…which translates as ‘pantyhose’ it just sounds much more interesting in a different language (though I only ever say tight’s…) and in the same shop I found a rather ‘eye-catching’ DVD featuring Mel Gibson looking like a ‘plastic’ man so well I just had to buy it for 10p…(though some might say he always look’s like that!).

It sounds strange but it’s just a pair of tights…and why did Mel have to be so…’plastic’?

It definitely does not look politically correct at all but then that’s part of the ‘pull’ to look back and think. Anyway I’ve not watched it yet so can’t comment, though why making him look like plastic was thought to be a ‘good idea’ I haven’t a clue…in the same vein why drawing make up on a polystyrene mannequin head was thought as necessary I also do not know…Maybe just boredom? Or did it get to the historic lady in the poster as she looks rather aghast. She was obviously fearful of something inside the Charity Shop (I know how that feels…). So its onwards and upwards in 2019, though how I will ever beat the £2 bottle of Croft Original this year I really don’t know…it’s going to be a very hard obstacle to surmount but then I don’t generally ever give up…

Afraid…? Well some things just have to be faced…