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In view of my recent post regarding the shutting down of many High Street shops, and not at all being entirely satisfied with Internet shopping (unbelievable I know…) I thought I’d check out one of the most ‘entertaining’ of catalogues that I have bought from in the past. It was ‘entertaining’ because it offered items that are not on the ‘High Street’ nor ‘available in your local shop’ and items that you never have seen or heard of before but you knew you just ‘had to’ have!  It also sold health-related items that are really not available either on the High Street and certainly not available in your ‘local shop’ and some of these items may be deemed rather ’embarrassing’ to say the least.  So it was very convenient to order ‘anonymously’ from this catalogue.…

Could a miracle really happen?

Could a miracle really happen?

So anyway the other day I did look at its website only to find much to my dismay that it was “no longer taking orders” and to “ring for product support only“. Oh no! No more weird strange or ‘must have’ items indeed no web shop! I then spent the best part of all day Wednesday this week looking for my printed copy of the catalogue from last year, but much to my frustration very disappointingly it never emerged…I did find though a ‘similar’ catalogue to the original one and it does sell ‘comparable’ items (pictured here) but it was not unfortunately the one I was looking for and who in the past I covered it’s ‘fashion’ see here  Oh well…at least the images here give you some idea of what I’m talking about so…From miracle products to shoes that apparently are not slippers! 

They are 'not slippers' honestly!?

They are ‘not slippers’ honestly!?

Also featured here is a small example of some other ‘fashion’ previously available like the patchwork leather bag which is remarkably  similar to my patchwork ‘Hobo’ bag covered here  Though I must say I’m rather at a loss at discovering its disappearance…as I’ve seen nothing yet to replace it, yet how can you really ‘replace’ the ‘irreplaceable’?  Now that is some ‘food for thought’….!

The patchwork 'Hobo' get one now!

The patchwork ‘Hobo’ get one now!