Cutting costs

Need I say more? I’m always looking now for reduced items due to this cost of living crisis, which doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to improve. The amount of reduced items is not exactly abundant at least not for me. Popping in my local Tesco to pick up a parcel I came across a few items which were at a price I could live with, which is getting increasingly hard. Never thought I’d see the day when milk and eggs are becoming unaffordable. Every time I go to buy milk or eggs the price has gone up! I’ve now switched to long life milk and bought in bulk. Not sure what I can do about the eggs apart from getting a hen! I just absolutely refuse to keep paying more for the same thing. So much for ‘looking after’ the customer all these retailers seem to do is pass the cost on to the customer at an alarming rate. Although they are stating ‘genuine’ reasons I’m just not ‘buying’ it at all…I don’t believe them, they are capitalist money grabbers, end of! Otherwise why do this?

it has to be reduced or I ain’t ‘buying it’….

They’re blaming the war in Ukraine, suppliers putting prices up, fuel (that is true but why should we pay for that? when we are personally hit very hard anyway). I’ll state why…profits! And clearly looking out for themselves and their shareholders. I think my pictures need no ‘introduction’ as they plainly show how (like many) I’m trying to save money. Sorry but where do these capitalist’s think you’re going to get more and more money from to meet their unreasonable demands? It’s outrageous that people’s pockets are getting hammered in such a manner just for the basics like bread! (it’s not like said items are luxuries…). Also I couldn’t get hold of my energy supplier today before the price rises tomorrow, during my wait time I was repeatedly told how ‘online chat’ was a lot “quicker and more convenient” except it wasn’t all!

the price is ‘not right’ for me but just a little cheaper…

Ahhh….like my previous post yet again I’m experiencing very poor customer ‘service’ if you can even call it that! This is another area that is sorely neglected in terms of ‘investment’ as it’s much cheaper and more ‘convenient’ to have everything automated and fob you off with a bot…just waiting for the day when this will happen in shops too (it’ll be very interesting…). I know this is a cliché, but where is it all going to end? If even the basics of life like food and travel become unattainable for many, what do you do? Not eat and then walk everywhere? The world is increasingly going in a direction that to me is worrying, scary and fast becoming the place of living nightmares…I only hope that history is not going to repeat itself with people dying of hunger becoming a ‘common’ thing. I did read that old illnesses, diseases and conditions from the past are on the increase. We’re going backward not forward…now that saying ‘don’t worry about the price of eggs’ is a misnomer because it seriously is worrying….

on the upside I managed to pick up a cheap pair of gloves