Fashion One ‘Bridal Special’ not really I’m afraid…
I have persevered over the last year and continued watching Fashion One, despite that since the S/S 16 shows last year, no more premium label’s appear apart from one or two, which has been very disappointing…it’s all very well showing ‘unknown’s’ and ‘in betweeners’ but to balance this, surely they need to up their game? And show Gucci Dior etc, as they did before..what happened? Did they ‘misbehave’ and get chucked out? Anyway I was ‘fairly’ excited to see that there would be a ‘Bridal Weekend Special’, okay now they’ve got my interest! There I was with my feet on the pouffee with my ‘high latte’ and custard creams at the ready..and well I have to say charming as it was overall, it was only like 12 minutes long..not really a ‘special’ is it? I was expecting more, since they have been showing adverts (terrible idea and totally ruins the flow..) I’ve noticed that their ‘specials’ are sometimes as short 15 minutes leading up to the ad breaks, and that awful awful TENA Lady advert please!! (is this the most patronising & embarrassing advert ever?? Shame on you Tena Lady!)
And don’t get me started on their totally unreliable schedule it’s either it’s not what it’s supposed to be at all, or it starts at the quarter past the hour instead of on the hour. If you try to ‘tape’ (please bear in mind I am ‘old school’..) something it’s totally ‘pot luck’ as whether it is what you thought it would be, or indeed something totally different…! (Confusing isn’t it??) I don’t know what else to say…except that, could they possibly make their specials a bit more ‘special’ please!! And could they start to or at least attempt to bring back some premium shows…thank you! Think it’s time for another ‘high latte’ (currently Maxwell House from Poundland), I am waiting in anticipation..go on ‘surprise’ me!
And with Bridal in mind, below something from my ‘archives’ snapped at a shopping centre a while back, kind of looks like a depressed Britney Spears Bride (marriage did not work out for her…did it? maybe next time?).