Fashion ‘sketches’ from the Isle of Man…

On the second ‘leg’ of my journey (don’t think there will be a third..) around the Island I present here my findings in the form of ‘sketches’ via my ‘very latest’ app, I mean why ‘bother drawing’ them when I can app ‘snap’ them into a sketch form with just a click? (or am I just incredibly lazy?) though I am actively trying to embrace the new media obsessed world & with this approach there certainly is ‘no nonsense’, so without further ado travel with me now, as I continue to investigate the ‘fashion landscape’ of this Island.

Is this hat really 'suitable' for a 'Goddess'?

Now you really cannot come here without making a stop at the ‘famous’ Jurby Junk shop in the North of the Island. Here is a junk shop with a difference it’s housed in an aircraft hanger divided in two, one side general junk & various ‘knickknacks’, the other a colossal mountain of books (see the statue pic for a small glimpse..) well the statue has been attired with a large trilby hat – maybe not that suitable for a Goddess? Rummaging through the junk side my ‘fashion eye’ spotted a number of brightly printed scarves for £3 a pop mounted on a cardboard ‘cut-out’ head, which kinda looked like Lucille Ball…?

nice scarf & reasonable price, but is this Lucille Ball?

Next I found a whole ‘bevy’ of knitting patterns suitably place on knitting needles,

this look is 'on point' with the needles..and so for more ‘fashion inspiration’s’, it was back to the charity shops of the Island. I got rather excited approaching the Peel charity shop as I spotted a mannequin in the window! So here she is looking rather ‘swish’ in a simple yet ‘elegant’ b&w striped dress with chain detail. I like that, in this dress the stripes form a nice geometric pattern but what’s with the wig? Is a side curl fringe the latest thing this season? (have I missed a key look?)

I got rather excited when I spotted this mannequin

what's with the wig? a curl fringe this season??

I also spotted quite a few dress making patterns (not that I could ever master these..) one of a groovy trouser suit called ‘ the gap’ (though I don’t know why?), and a pattern for a 1950’s dress, & summer suit. I’m ‘likin’ the white gloves pictured on the cover.

I'm 'likin' this cool trouser suit..but what's the gap??

this pattern is a 'throwback' check the white gloves...very ladylike

I captured 2 further fashion looks on my travels a yellow formal two piece suit (looks quite 80’s which is a key trend this season). This ‘primrose’ shade of yellow is apparently going to be the colour of S/S 16 so it’s a very ‘fashion forward’ statement. Next is a rather lovely royal blue dress with matching shoes, a look that embodies ‘cool elegance’ to me…

it's yellow, it's 80's but it's one the way back!

'sit back' in elegance & be 'royal' in blue

and of course let’s not forget the knitting patterns I spied maybe predicting future looks?? (I mean anything is possible in fashion right?). Finally I spotted a wedding dress shop in Castletown (one of my favourite spots) – though is it time to say ‘yes to the dress ?’ yet? Only ‘time will decide’…


is it time to say 'yes to the dress'?