Getting ‘smart’ with my phone….

So seeing a smart phone photography workshop on a recent Groupon deal, I thought maybe I could go for that! It’s all very well getting ‘appy’ with apps…but what about improving on things before the apps stage? I was especially miffed with the glare I was getting around objects and mannequin heads…and don’t even get me started about reflections…! So all in all what I love about smartphone photography is the ‘point and shoot’, ‘no nonsense’ approach. The immediacy of the phone camera is a real bonus and it’s much easier to take a ‘sneaky pic’ without standing out like a ‘sore thumb’ like holding an SLR now a DSLR it’s ‘hello, I’m obviously taking a photo everyone’…so I’m going to stick with the ‘smartphone smart’ approach for now and ‘armed’ with my phone I turned up at Shoreditch station last Saturday ready to ‘roll’, only to find shock horror! I was the only one with a smartphone..the other attendees all had a DSLR…noooo! Was I on the wrong course?

it was an 'accidental' effect but seemed to work...

Apparently not..they just decided to ‘double up’ with the Street photography workshop, & well there was nothing I could do about it. Only the course aimed at taking full control of your camera and that meant aperture, shutter speed, ISO you name it! Unfortunately on my phone you can only change the ISO and white balance, so the instructor suggested I downloaded an app and here are some of the results..the blurry double exposure effect is not an app but rather (by accident), I set it on a one second shutter speed causing the double exposure and blur, and to be honest I actually prefer the these ones than the ones that are in focus and ‘correctly shot’.

the slow shutter added a 'painterly' effect

I have not been in Shoreditch for a long while…and it’s now a mecca for street art with many people just there to photograph it. Interesting as it was to see the street art, that was not my main focus, I was looking for a ‘fashion angle’. Okay graffiti can be used/is used in fashion, but where was the ‘actual’ fashion?

I captured an 'eye' grafitti is often used in fashion

Well lucky for me I found it right around the corner on Brick Lane…so whilst everyone else was outside ‘Street shooting’, I was inside the vintage shops ‘snapping way’ & to say I was relieved by this, was an understatement! The results of these pics will follow, as they do have a very different vibe from the graffiti ones here. Therefore I did learn a few things and took away with me some new ideas and approaches, but unless something radical changes I will still continue to get ‘appy’ when and where necessary…now back to that dam glare..!

my phone camera proved it worth in capturing this textured shot..