Gold ‘rush’…

Testing out my low value camera at a high-end department store, I was thoroughly enjoying the non-interruption of my focused activity. Happily snapping away with no one bothering me, asking awkward questions like what are you doing? And how can I help you? No, none of that, which was a huge relief. I mean people take photos on their phone all the time, right? So what’s wrong with using a ‘proper’ camera? I just love it, capturing what catches my eye, zooming in on the details and then ‘click’. With this digital camera, it’s more like shooting with film. I really don’t know until I hit ‘download’ if anything is in focus at all! I admit at times this can be rather inconvenient, but that’s what I love about it. This aspect, the unexpected, the anticipation and excitement of film, yet digital, it’s a win-win.

will ‘bag’ this one if I’ve several 100 £’s!!

On this visit, I captured a lot of the colour gold and wondered if this is trending now? Well on a minimal amount of research, I found out it is! It’s one of spring’s ‘hot’ colours according to various high-fashion tomes, and who am I to argue with that? Not little ol’ me, oh no! I actually love this heavenly colour, even though it’s highly unlikely, I’ll ever become a ‘gold goddess’, aka Ursula Andress in ‘She’. Again another dream…I am not ‘She’ shimmering in a golden volcanic fire. An eternal flame, renewing myself in the fountain of youth, or some such like. More magical than plastic surgery and Botox. I accept I am not She; I would rather bathe in a golden glow to rid myself of all my arthritic aches and pains. Is gold the answer? Am I gilding an unnecessary Lily whilst pining to be pain-free? Yes, that would be my ‘golden moment’, capturing this colour, and imagining myself in such a beautiful light, it helps me to get through my present thick and heavy darkness.