Greggs Fashion ‘Farce’…
To my confounded surprise on browsing my free newspaper whilst travelling (and…why not?) I came across an article a few weeks ago about Greggs joining forces with budget retailer Primark to launch a fashion range. Wow! And well…definitely food for thought came strongly to mind (no pun intended LOL). It did however get me intrigued also the news article mentioned the opening of a Greggs Cafe at the flagship store in Birmingham (didn’t know they even had them…). So I immediately started looking online to see if this exciting venture will be happening anywhere near me but apparently not…the best I could hope for was for venturing further afield only. Also by visiting my local Primark store to see if any ‘surprise’ Greg items appeared in the displays? I rushed down only to find not a sausage roll in sight, let alone a pasty or indeed a pastry. De Nada = nothing and a real let down! I even came across information about a pop-up store in London but it was already sold out!

I had no chance getting a ticket for the exclusive Greggs pop up who’d thought Greggs could ever be so popular in fashion?
Unfortunately due to my lack of social media action I lagged behind. Maybe I need to address this in the future? We’ll see. Therefore I had to wait until last Saturday (19th February) for the ‘nationwide launch’ in store which was in fact not nationwide but 60 ‘select’ stores. Again I missed out…and was starting to feel real cheated now as it wasn’t at my local I had to travel to…Romford. Excitedly arriving in store with bated breath I was expecting a Gregg’s fashion extravaganza/experience except it wasn’t…initially finding absolutely nothing for sale I had to approach a sales assistant and made an enquiry about the Greggs fashion range in which she answered “what?” And “sorry I don’t know anything about it”, was she joking? Rather shocked I waited for her to make further enquiries with the floor manager who had to speak to someone on his headset, the information relayed back…it was only available in menswear nothing in ladies wear, well I felt so bad…I felt as though I had a hard slap across the face! How very gutting and disappointing, so I had no choice but to take a look in menswear and even that was hard to find with no promo posters…absolutely nothing!
Boy was I decidedly unimpressed when I did find the tiny section dedicated to this ‘major’ fashion collaboration, what did it result to? A few hats, (or should I say a hat?) socks, underwear and some truly uninspiring hoodies and bottoms. Oh the injustice of it all not only did it turn out to be a very damp squib, but there was zero in womenswear! What a let-down it was simply not what I was expecting at all. With all this big excitement & huge build up to what exactly? Mainly a very well-orchestrated social media campaign. With the resulting fashion leaving me to feel that I could’ve done a lot better myself what a joke…! Such a massive build up to what should’ve been a national and more importantly an accessible fashion offer only resulted to me a complete fashion farce. I am angry! And will not be falling for this next time…think I’m going to come up with my own ‘fast food’fashion collection ahhh….burger anyone? Or maybe not??